CARACAS (AFP) | 11:58 AM. 05/08/2009

Venezuela to nationalize oil service companies

Venezuela will Friday begin to expropriate some oil service providers, after 
the congress passed a law extending the state's control to all activities 
related to the oil industry.

"We will start to recover assets that will now belong to the state, as they 
always should have," President Hugo Chavez said.

The law approved Thursday by a majority of the National Assembly "reserves for 
the state, the goods and services connected to primary hydrocarbon activities."

It also gives local courts exclusive jurisdiction to settle disputes between 
the state and private companies, shielding the country from international 

Shortly after the law's passage the government announced that private 
contractors servicing wells, transporting workers and providing other services 
in the oil-rich Maracaibo Lake area will be taken over by the state-run 
Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA).

Energy Minister Rafael Ramirez earlier said the measures would not affect oil 
drilling firms, which have had trouble recently getting paid.

Until now, state control of the oil industry has been limited to production and 

Venezuela has proven oil reserves of around 99 billion barrels and is the 
western hemisphere's largest oil exporter.

Ramirez said the companies to be nationalized and compensated will be 
identified when the law is formally published.

"Companies that are selected for nationalization will not be able to mount 
lawsuits in foreign countries, because the measure stipulates that disputes 
will be resolved exclusively by (Venezuelan) courts," Ramirez said.

Opposition lawmakers have criticized the PDVSA for running up debts and being 
unable to meet payments despite a months-long windfall from high oil prices.

As of September, PDVSA had 7.858 billion dollars in debt to its suppliers.

Thousands of people employed by the private contractors will work for the PDVSA 
as a result of the law, Ramirez said.

Union officials were divided over whether their members would benefit.

Oil service firms employ about 20,000 people.

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