Genetically modified food can lead to horrendous changes in human body

Genetically modified food is connected with great economic concerns

It is generally believed that rats, cockroaches and cyanobacteria can survive 
any biological catastrophe. But recently, researchers have once again stated 
that there is a delayed action poison which can slowly kill even enduring 

Leading expert of the Russian Academy of Sciences' Institute for higher nervous 
activity and neurophysiology, Doctor of Biology Irina Yermakova, conducted an 
experiment on rats. The rodents are traditionally used for important 
experiments as they have morphology and biochemistry resembling the human ones. 

The experimental rats were given food containing genetically modified 
components. The rats survived during the experiment but their conduct seriously 
changed: they became nervous, anxious and even aggressive for no reason at all. 
The researcher discovered abnormal pathologic changes in the liver and 
testicles of the rats.

This is important that descendants of the experimental rats fed with GMF had 
really terrible problems. Alien components turned out to be lethal for little 
rats. Generally, all rats of one litter survive. But over 55 percent of 
experimental rats' babies were born dead or died soon after they came to the 
world. At that, their death was really agonizing, they were found with their 
intestines swollen. Other new-born rats had really weak health. At the same 
time, mothers did not reveal their motherly instinct actively.  

Similar experiments were conducted on other animals and fixed approximately the 
same results. So, the experiments reveal that transgenes are very poisonous for 
descendants and are in fact a delayed action biological weapon.

There are opponents and supporters of genetically modified foodstuffs. At that, 
people need to know that transgenic products are very profitable. This in its 
turn means that genetically modified foodstuffs are connected with great 
economic concerns. 

Those who support cultivating of transgenic plants and production of products 
with genetically modified components say that these components proved to be 
safe as a result of large-scale researches. But the Greenpeace international 
non-governmental organization disagrees with these statements. Greenpeace 
states that research institutions that allegedly prove safety of 
genetically-modified components cannot provide accurate information about 
transgenes' safety and even debar people from getting acquainted with such 

There is still no reliable information proving the danger of transgenes for 
humans, but the tragedy of experimental rats is really alarming. Russians 
undoubtedly have the right to know if products contain genetically modified 
components and decide themselves if they will include them into the everyday 
ration or not. But it is important that unfair producers must not deceive 
customers about the content of their products. 

According to the recent data of the Russian Opinion Poll Center, over 95 
percent of Russians prefer products free from transgenic components even when 
they cost more. Majority of parents are absolutely negative as concerning 
genetically modified components in baby and kids food. 

Today, Russia has no unified system of marking products containing genetically 
modified components. It means that even when producers claim they use no 
genetically modified components they may still do it and deceive customers. 

Greenpeace activists initiated an independent research aimed to find out if 
products marked as containing no transgenic components contain genetically 
modified components or not. In the framework of the research, experts studied 
sausage produced in large cities of Russia, crab sticks made in the Kaliningrad 
Region and China, potato mash and evaporated milk formulas produced by Russian 
subsidiaries of foreign companies. Out of the 42 tested products 18 proved to 
be containing no transgenic components, 6 products contained just hundredths of 
genetically modified components, and 10 products fixed not more than 1.33 
percent of genetically modified components. But 6 sorts of sausage and crab 
sticks fixed too high content of transgenic components. 

Greenpeace reported the results of the experiment in the middle of October; it 
is not ruled out that the situation is that distressing in Russia in general. 
The results of the Greenpeace experiment seem to be today the only reliable 
guide for choosing safe products free from transgenes. Today, when Russian 
stores offer a great variety of products and Russians have a chance to choose, 
everyone should remember the fate of the experimental rats fed with transgenes 
and eat food which is safe for health

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