Arab MKs slam Yishai for seeking power to cancel citizenship

Jun. 6, 2009
Rebecca Anna Stoil , THE JERUSALEM POST 

Arab lawmakers have voiced firm opposition to Interior Minister Eli Yishai's 
effort to increase his authority to revoke citizenship by advocating for a bill 
that would allow him to bypass the attorney-general. 

Shas MK David Azoulai is expected to submit the private member's bill to the 
Ministerial Committee on Legislation on Sunday. 

If it eventually becomes law, the interior minister could cancel citizenship 
without a court proceeding. Instead, someone whose citizenship was revoked 
would only be able to appeal to a judge after the fact. Yishai said he decided 
to push the legislation after he received a letter from Attorney-General 
Menahem Mazuz saying that the process of revoking the citizenship of former 
Balad chairman Azmi Bishara was complicated. 

"Yishai's proposal, as it was published, is not serious," former interior 
minister MK Ophir Paz-Pines (Labor) said. "When I acted against terrorists as 
interior minister, there was no interference by the courts or the 

Interior ministers were permitted to revoke citizenship independent of legal 
hearings until Paz-Pines's administration (January to November 2005), during 
which Paz-Pines worked to change the procedure. Currently, the interior 
minister may initiate the process, but a decision requires the signature of 
both a court and the attorney-general. 

In early May, Yishai began proceedings to deny citizenship to four Israeli 
Arabs who have lived overseas for decades and who are suspected of involvement 
in illegal activities against Israel. 

The four recently decided to return to Israel, and it was this decision that 
inspired Yishai to initiate the proceedings against them. He is still waiting 
for the court's response on the request. 

"This is a racist and anti-democratic initiative that is intended to deny 
citizenship only to Arabs and not to Jews - not even to [Yitzhak Rabin's 
assassin] Yigal Amir," said MK Jamal Zahalka, who took over the direction of 
Balad after Bishara fled the country to avoid indictment for treason and 
espionage allegedly committed during the Second Lebanon War in 2006. Bishara is 
still the party's chairman. 

"Yishai wants to cancel court decisions and to take the authority over 
political revenge into his own hands. Revoking citizenship is forbidden by 
international law - citizenship is not a favor, but comes as a result of the 
fact that we are products of this land," Zahalka said. 

MK Ahmed Tibi (United Arab List-Ta'al) connected Yishai's initiative to a 
recent series of legislative initiatives that Arab lawmakers say all targeted 
Israeli Arabs, including the Nakba Bill and the bill to require a loyalty oath 
as a condition for receiving a national identity card. 

"A spirit of evil and racism is washing over Israel in the street, in the 
Knesset and in the government," Tibi said. "Racism has been mainstream for a 
while now." 

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