CIA Fights Full Release Of Detainee Report
White House Urged to Maintain Secrecy
By R. Jeffrey Smith and Joby Warrick
Washington Post Staff Writers 
Wednesday, June 17, 2009 

The CIA is pushing the Obama administration to maintain the secrecy of 
significant portions of a comprehensive internal account of the agency's 
interrogation program, according to two intelligence officials. 

The officials say the CIA is urging the suppression of passages describing in 
graphic detail how the agency handled its detainees, arguing that the material 
could damage ongoing counterterrorism operations by laying bare sensitive 
intelligence procedures and methods. 

The May 2004 report, prepared by the CIA's inspector general, is the most 
definitive official account to date of the agency's interrogation system. A 
heavily redacted version, consisting of a dozen or so paragraphs separated by 
heavy black boxes and lists of missing pages, was released in May 2008 in 
response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by the American Civil 
Liberties Union. 

After an ACLU appeal, the Obama administration promised in May to review the 
report, which consists of more than 100 pages of text and six appendixes of 
unknown length, and to produce by Friday any additional material that could be 

CIA spokesman George Little said the agency "is reviewing the report to 
determine how much more of it can be declassified in accordance with the 
Freedom of Information Act." 

An administration official said the CIA has not yet forwarded the document to 
the White House or the Justice Department for final review. 

A senior intelligence official who has studied the document defended the CIA's 
redactions. "There is a lot about how the CIA operated the overall program of 
detention and interrogation -- not just about how they used techniques -- that 
would be sensitive and rightly redacted," the official said. "I think the Obama 
administration has made the correct decision that transparency only goes so far 
on the national security side." 

Some former agency officials said that CIA insiders are fighting a rear-guard 
action to prevent disclosures that could embarrass the agency and lead to new 
calls for a "truth commission" to investigate the Bush administration's 

Two former agency officials who read the 2004 report said most of its contents 
could be safely released and, if anything, would seem familiar. General 
information about the agency's interrogation program has already been made 
public through the Obama administration's release of memos by the Justice 
Department's Office of Legal Counsel authorizing the harsh CIA techniques and 
through the earlier leak of a 2005 report on CIA interrogations by the 
International Committee of the Red Cross. The broad conclusions of the 
inspector general's report, as well as its specific assertion that some 
interrogators exceeded limits approved by the Justice Department, have 
previously been disclosed. 

"[CIA Director] Leon Panetta has been captured by the people who were the 
ideological drivers for the interrogation program in the first place," said a 
former senior officer, who spoke on the condition of anonymity when discussing 
the still-classified report. 

But one intelligence official countered that Panetta "was never a fan of the 
interrogation program." 

"He's reached his own independent decisions on these issues. He's standing up 
for people who followed lawful guidance" issued to the agency during the Bush 
administration, the official said.

The report was based on more than a year of investigation, including more than 
100 interviews and a review of 92 interrogation videotapes -- which the CIA 
later said it had destroyed -- as well as thousands of internal CIA e-mails and 
other documents. Then-Inspector General John L. Helgerson and his team of 
investigators traveled to secret CIA prisons and witnessed interrogations 
firsthand, making them the only observers allowed into the detention sites who 
were not participants in the program, officials said. 

The report's critical comments helped prompt a suspension of the interrogations 
for several months, until the agency received fresh affirmations of their 
legality from President George W. Bush's appointees at the Justice Department. 
The CIA's lawyers and its counterterrorism center also prepared detailed 
written rebuttals, which the CIA is considering releasing alongside the 
censored report this week. 

According to a summary of the report incorporated in a declassified Justice 
Department memo, its authors concluded that some useful information was 
produced by the CIA program but that "it is difficult to determine conclusively 
whether interrogations have provided information critical to interdicting 
specific imminent attacks" -- the principal justification for using harsh 

The report also expressed particular concern that questioners had violated a 
legal prohibition against "degrading" conduct by stripping detainees, sometimes 
in the presence of women, according to a source who has read it. The report 
said waterboarding, meant to simulate drowning, was used more often than had 
been proved effective, and it quoted CIA doctors as saying that interrogators 
from the military's survival school who took part in the sessions had probably 
misrepresented their expertise. 

The report further questioned the legality of using different combinations of 
techniques -- for example, sleep deprivation combined with forced nudity and 
painful stress positions, according to sources familiar with the document. 
While Justice Department lawyers had determined in August 2002 that the 
individual techniques did not constitute torture, the report warned that using 
several techniques at once could have a far greater psychological impact, 
according to officials familiar with the document. 

"The argument was that combining the techniques amounted to torture," said a 
former agency official who read the report. "In essence, [Helgerson] was 
arguing in 2004 that there were clear violations of international laws and 
domestic laws." 

Another former official who read the report said its full text laid bare "the 
good, the bad and the ugly" and added that "I believe that some people would 
find offensive" what was done, because it was "not in keeping with American 

At the CIA, the report was welcomed by some lower-ranking officials who were 
privy to what was happening at the prisons and had complained to Helgerson's 
office about apparent abuses, according to an official familiar with the study. 
But it provoked immediate anger and resistance among the agency's top managers, 
lawyers and counterterrorism experts, who charged that Helgerson had 
overstepped his authority and that the report contained factual inaccuracies 
and a misreading of the law. 

A former intelligence official said that at the time, Helgerson seemed to be on 
a moral crusade: "He was out to prove a theory, and it came across as simply 
'You're wrong,' " said the official, who cited the report's secrecy in speaking 
on the condition of anonymity. "He was calling in officers willy-nilly and then 
bringing them in a second time. It was like he was conducting his own 
interrogations." Most of those involved in the program felt at the time, and 
still do, that they took great pains to follow the law, the official said. 

After the report was issued, then-CIA Director George J. Tenet demanded that 
the Justice Department and the White House reaffirm their support for the 
agency's harsh interrogation methods, even when used in combination, telling 
others at the time, "No papers, no opinions, no program." At a White House 
meeting in mid-2004, he resisted pressures to reinstate the program 
immediately, before receiving new legal authorization, according to a source 
familiar with the episode. 

The Justice Department subsequently sent interim supporting opinions to the 
CIA, allowing the program's resumption after Tenet's departure, and went on to 
complete three lengthy reports in 2005 that affirmed in detail the legality of 
the interrogation techniques with some new safeguards that the CIA had begun to 
implement in 2003. 

Helgerson, who retired from the agency this year, declined to comment for this 
story. A former CIA employee familiar with Helgerson's views said he has 
advocated for the release of the whole report, with minimal redactions, so that 
interested parties can see the context. "The report says a number of things 
positive about the agency as well as raising some serious questions about the 
legal underpinnings of the program and the way it was carried out," the 
official said. 

Staff writers Peter Finn and Carrie Johnson and staff researcher Julie Tate 
contributed to this report. 

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