Akibat perang saudara di Nepal, banyak perempuan kehilangan suami.
Kini, pemerintah menawarkan insentif, bonus 50 ribu rupee bagi laki-laki
yang bersedia menikahi janda-janda muda ini.
(janda2 tua, 60 tahun ke atas, sudah ditanggung dana pensiun pemerintah)

Tetapi, para janda ini menolak dan memrotes rencana ini.

Apakah cara ini bisa ditiru di Indonesia:
- yang bersedia berpoligini dengan janda usia 40 tahun ke atas, diberi insentif?
- yang berpoligini dengan gadis di bawah 30 tahun, sebaliknya didenda?
(hehehe ngawur)



Nepal widows dismiss marriage incentive

By Joanna Jolly
BBC News, Kathmandu

Nepal widow
Widows in Nepal lose their status within the home and society

Widows in Nepal are protesting against a decision by the Nepalese
government to offer a cash incentive to men for marrying them.

The incentive was announced in the government's annual budget earlier
this week - it is a lump sum of 50,000 Nepali rupees ($641).

Nepal has a large number of widows because of the bloody conflict
there in recent years as well as the high rates of HIV and other
diseases found in the country.

But human rights groups in Nepal say that paying men to marry widows
would only bring further misery.

"It's totally wrong," says Lily Thapa, founder of Women for Human Rights.

"Widows will not be empowered by getting remarried," she says.

Women for Human Rights represents Nepali widows and has officially
lodged a protest with the government asking it to rethink its policy.

Ms Thapa says she is encouraged by the government's recognition of the
plight of widows but emphasises that this policy could do more harm
than good.

Anybody walking on the road could say, look, there's a widow! I could
get 50,000 rupees if I married her
Poonam Pathak, widow

She is urging the government to provide social security payments,
health care and education to the women, who have a low status in
traditional Nepalese society.


Widows like 29-year-old Nisha Swar, whose husband was killed by Maoist
fighters six years ago, say the policy of offering payment for
remarriage could lead to discrimination.

"Men could want to be with us for the sake of getting the 50,000
rupees. It is like putting a price tag on our head and we are very
humiliated by this," she says.

Her friend, 30-year-old widow Poonam Pathak, agrees.

"I feel embarrassed because now anybody walking on the road could say,
look, there's a widow! I could get 50,000 rupees if I married her,"
she says.

Widows over the age of 60 years are already given a pension by the
Nepalese government.

But Women for Human Rights is calling on the government to extend this
payment to all widows.

Lilly Thapa
If you see a widow walking on the street on your way to do some kind
of special job, you have to return immediately because it's considered
bad luck to see her
Lily Thapa, Women for Human Rights

"Our research indicates that most widows are still young and they need
help because they have small children and they need money to pay
school fees and take care of them," says Ms Thapa.

Many women in Nepal lost husbands during the country's 10-year
conflict, which ended in 2006.

This brought an end to the traditional system of monarchy and
propelled Maoist rebels into power.

Campaigners are also asking the government to protect girls who are
forced into marriage when they reach puberty, and who are then widowed
young by disease or accidents.

Traditional custom

This traditional Hindu practice is common in the low-lying Terai
district, close to the border with India.

As soon as a woman becomes a widow in Nepal, she loses her status
within the home and society.

She is not allowed to participate in religious ceremonies and can no
longer wear red clothing - which is considered auspicious - and

In fact, many widows are constricted to only wearing white and often
confined to the house, where they have to take on the bulk of domestic

Ms Thapa, who has been campaigning for widows' rights for 14 years,
says that having a widow in your home is considered to be a bad omen.

"If you see a widow walking on the street on your way to do some kind
of special job, you have to return immediately because it's considered
bad luck to see her," she says.

Widows in 52 out of Nepal's 75 districts have sent petitions to their
local administrations to ask them to re-think the new policy.

They are demanding that the government consult them first before
deciding on how to raise their status.

Officials from the ministry of finance have agreed to meet Ms Thapa
and other representatives from women's organisations to discuss the

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