Monday, July 27, 2009 
Sha'aban 04, 1430 AH

The Overpopulation Threat
By Aisha Tariq

Pakistan is one of the fastest growing countries in the world. In early 1994, 
the population of Pakistan was estimated to be 126 million, at that time we 
were the ninth most populous country of the world, however, land area wise 
ranked thirty-second among nations. 

Thus Pakistan has about 2 percent of the world's population living on less than 
0.7 percent of the world's land. The population growth rate is among the 
world's highest, officially estimated at 3.1 percent per year, but privately 
thought to be closer to 3.3 percent per year by many planners involved in 
population programs. 

According to the latest surveys Pakistan's population has reached up to 174.59 
Million, if we internationally weigh against the extensive growth rate in our 
population; we are ahead of Russia and very slightly behind Brazil. By the year 
2020 it is expected that our population will reach 208 Million, hence 
curtailing our current resources. Still we have 20% of our population who is 
living below international poverty line earning around 1.25 $ per day. 

The root cause of overpopulation is the unbalanced growth rate. In third world 
countries the basic awareness among the common people is lacking, which is the 
fundamental reason of overpopulation. Governments have very few budgets to 
educate the people all over the country about the disadvantages of extra 
ordinary birth rate. In this way majority of the people remain uneducated 
regarding the adequate methods of birth control. 

Although everyone is facing the resulted problems of overpopulation at 
individual level but very few people are aware regarding the proper course of 
action to respond to this matter. A very common trend for the people is to move 
towards cities from villages, in this way, rural land is remained unused and 
cities become crowded having high density of people per square feet. This 
practice not only affects the efficient operation of the system in cities but 
it also makes the governments to neglect the rural lands to develop. 

It very badly decreases the agricultural growth, resulting in the drastically 
over the economy of the country. When wealth is scarce and consumers are in a 
large amount, obviously equity in distribution of resources is always missing. 
This makes the people frustrated and outcomes are very frightening, youth which 
is called as the life blood of a country starts involving in inappropriate ways 
to snatch the resources. It increases crime rate in a big deal, it has been 
observed that the countries which have balanced population, crime rate is very 
low in such regions. When people are not provided with the basic necessities, 
it elevates crime rate due to drug cartels and increases theft by people 
stealing resources to survive.

After the earthquake of October 11, 2005, that killed 79000 people according to 
official death polls. It was discovered that Pakistan is situated on the most 
dangerous earth plate which can be affected very badly anytime due to 
earthquakes. Overpopulation does not allow the government to establish the 
cities and villages in a planned and organized way, in such condition natural 
disaster management agencies cannot respond to the potential loss. It is said 
that earthquakes does not kill the people, mismanagement kills the people which 
is the result of overpopulation. 

Atmosphere and climate is also badly affected by overpopulation, in 
overpopulated areas the consumption of energy goods like, petroleum, 
electricity and coal is very high, which results into pollution which 
eventually affects the climate. Pollution badly influences on the health of 
people, and the hospital and other health institutions in Pakistan have very 
limited capacity to accommodate the patients. 

The latest analysis indicate that in 2007 there were 85 physicians for every 
100,000 persons in Pakistan. Alternatively we can say that one doctor is 
available for 1,225 people. In comparison to most underdeveloped countries, we 
a have a shortage of nurses and there are only 62,651 nurses all over the 
nation who are supplemented with a strong force of 96,000 Lady Health Workers 
(primary health care providers). 

According to the latest Ministry of Health Pakistan statistics, there were 
13,937 health institutions in the country including 945 hospitals (with a total 
of 103,285 hospital beds), 4,755 dispensaries, 5,349 Basic Health Units (mostly 
in rural areas), 903 Mother and Child Care Centers, 562 rural health centers 
and 290 TB centers.

When the growth rate is very high, it results in high child mortality, Seventy 
infants out of one thousand dies due to different reasons, which are mainly, 
the inadequate facilities provided in hospitals due to load of too many 
delivery cases, vulnerability of the child due to bad cures, lack of skilled 
technical staff in hospitals, lack of proper food, and the most important is 
the weak health of the mother. 

The uncontrollably increasing population is the basic running force of this 
issue. Poverty highly increases the child mortality ration, an individual 
citizen's poverty results in the poverty of the whole country. In frenziedly 
populated countries the life expectancy ratio is very low, as per the latest 
statistics Pakistan has 64.6 as life expectancy ratio of an individual, whereas 
Japan has 82.3, the difference is very clear. 

The major reason behind this considerable gap is the difference between the 
population and available resources of these two countries. Overpopulation 
restrains the literacy in the country, Pakistan, a developing country, has very 
few funds and capital for educational development. It has been 62 years since 
Pakistan has come into existence; still our literacy rate is below 50% which is 
far less than India, Sri lanka, Turkey and Brazil. 

In over occupied areas unclean living conditions which are based upon water 
resource reduction, discharge of raw dirt and solid waste disposal increase the 
chance of the emergence of new epidemics and pandemics. For many environmental 
and social reasons, including overcrowded living conditions, malnutrition and 
inadequate, inaccessible, or non-existent health care; the poor are more likely 
to be exposed to infectious diseases. 

World Population Day is an annual event, observed on July 11, which aims to 
elevate awareness of global population issues. The event was established by the 
Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme, in 1989. It was 
stimulated by the public interest in Five Billion Day on July 11, 1987, the 
date on which the world's population reached around five billion people.

In current year the subject matter of the world population day is "Investing in 
Women is a Smart Choice". Funding in education and health for women 
considerably increase output of the whole mass, farming yields, and state 
income, all of which adds to the accomplishment of the balanced Population. 

Investments by governments worldwide have boosted school admission rates and 
promoted the prevention of lethal diseases like malaria, tuber clauses and HIV 
Aids. We expect that this year this convention will bring extra ordinary 
attentiveness among the people of Pakistan, and we will ourselves manage out 
our overpopulation issue by bringing economy efficiency and effectiveness among 
the processes and policies.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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