Last update - 21:42 31/07/2009     
      Fatah activists don Islamic garb to flee Hamas-run Gaza  
      By The Associated Press  
      Tags: Gaza, Israel News, Fatah   

      Two dozen Fatah activists have sneaked out of Hamas-ruled Gaza in recent 
days, including a woman who said she hitched a ride with farmers on a donkey 
cart Friday to get past Hamas troops at a border checkpoint. 

      The getaways are the latest twist in a standoff between the Islamic 
militant Hamas and Fatah, Palestinian rivals who rule Gaza and the West Bank, 

      Fatah is holding its first convention in 20 years, starting Tuesday in 
the West Bank town of Bethlehem. More than 1,500 delegates are to attend, 
including 450 from Gaza. 

      However, Hamas says it will not allow the Gazans to leave until Fatah's 
leader, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, releases some 900 Hamas detainees 
he holds in the West Bank. 

      Rather than wait for an unlikely compromise, 27 Fatah delegates sneaked 
out of Gaza in recent days, said Ghassan Jadallah, a Fatah organizer. 

      Travelers leaving Gaza have to present their documents at a Hamas 
checkpoint about a mile away from Gaza's Erez crossing into Israel. Several 
hundred yards closer to Erez, in an area off-limits to Hamas, another 
checkpoint is staffed by Abbas loyalists who coordinate with Israeli border 
officials by walkie talkie to direct the flow of passengers. 

      Israel and Egypt have virtually sealed Gaza's borders since a violent 
Hamas takeover of the territory in June 2007. Few Gazans are permitted to leave 
Gaza via Erez. They include medical patients with severe illnesses and business 

      However, Israel has granted permits to nearly all the Fatah delegates 
from Gaza, in a gesture of support for Abbas. Israel has also permitted scores 
of Fatah delegates from the diaspora to enter the West Bank, said Palestinian 
negotiator Saeb Erekat. 

      "It is really shameful that the big question mark is about delegates 
coming from Gaza," he said. 

      Ghaliya Abu Sitte, 63, a Fatah delegate from the southern Gaza town of 
Khan Younis, said she left home early Friday, put on the traditional Muslim 
veil and long robe, took a taxi and got out a few hundred yards before the 
Hamas checkpoint. 

      "I saw a donkey cart with two women who were collecting grass and wood, 
she said in an interview later Friday at a West Bank hotel. I got on the cart. 
I thought to myself, 'They won't notice me if I ride it.' I passed the Hamas 
checkpoint. They didn't stop me or ask me." 

      Jadallah said others posed as medical patients on their way to treatment 
in Israel, including a woman delegate who got in a wheelchair and was pushed by 
three fellow Fatah activists. Others bypassed the Hamas checkpoint by walking 
through orange groves. 

      Abu Sitte said her daughter-in-law, who accompanied her for the trip to 
the border, was later detained by Hamas police. She and other Fatah delegates 
said they would return to Gaza after the conference and were not afraid of 

      Hamas government spokesman Taher Nunu said Fatah activists had been 
warned against trying to sneak out. Anyone who defies these rules will face 
unpleasant procedures, he said. 

      The two dominant Palestinian groups accuse each other of carrying out 
political arrests that have crippled Egyptian efforts to broker a deal to 
restore political unity and boost prospects for a resumption of peace-making 
with Israel. 

      "It is doubtful that this dialogue can succeed and it is doubtful that 
parties including Hamas would attend the coming round of dialogue in Cairo if 
we don't close the file on political arrests," Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh said 
in a Friday sermon at a mosque in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip by the 
Egyptian border. 

      "We are not naive and we won't accept that dialogue takes place while 
arrests continue," Haniyeh said. 

      The next round of reconciliation talks is scheduled for Aug. 25 in Cairo. 
Egyptian mediators hope to get Hamas and Fatah to agree to some form of 
power-sharing ahead of presidential and parliamentary elections in January. 

      Hamas seized control of Gaza in 2007 after routing Fatah forces. Fatah is 
now dominant only in the West Bank. Haniyeh said his group would also boycott 
the January elections if the issue of political arrests remained unresolved  

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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