September 07, 2009 
Febriamy Hutapea & Heru Andriyanto

Concerns Over 'Steps Toward Islamic State' in Indonesia

The nation is quietly being pushed closer toward an Islamic state, Christian 
politicians and religious groups warned on Sunday, pointing to attempts this 
month to push through a bill requiring halal product labeling. 

The legislation could be passed by the House of Representatives as soon as next 
week, despite opposition from the Christian-based Prosperous Peace Party (PDS) 
and minority religious groups who say it is discriminatory. 

The House and central government are being accused of rushing discussion on the 
bill in the hope of endorsing it on Sept. 15. Critics claim the bill, like the 
Anti-Pornography Law passed almost a year ago, is a ploy by conservative 
Islamic groups to introduce elements of Shariah law within secular Indonesia. 

The House, they say, is being pressured to endorse the legislation before its 
term expires at the end of September. 

Hasrul Azwar, chairman of the House committee deliberating the bill, said on 
Sunday that he expected it to be completed within two weeks. "There is no 
pressure. The bill has been scheduled to be finished by the end of this month," 
he said. 

The bill states that all packaged food, drinks, medicine and cosmetics produced 
and sold in Indonesia must be certified as halal or not by an independent body 
and then labeled accordingly. 

Hasrul said the central government wanted the classifying body formed under the 
Ministry of Religious Affairs, while several parties have demanded an 
independent body with representatives from the central government and the 
Indonesian Council of Ulema (MUI). 

"Those matters are still being debated. Even [yesterday] we worked on it," he 

The PDS has said that determining what is halal - permissible under Islam - is 
a religious issue and shouldn't be stipulated by the state. Some members of the 
business community said the labeling system would be expensive and that small 
businesses could suffer. 

Lawmaker Badriyah Fayumi of the Islamic-based National Awakening Party (PKB) 
said non-Muslim communities should not feel threatened by the bill. 

"The state is obliged to facilitate its citizens in practicing their [version 
of] Shariah. The halal matter is very much one of principle for Muslims," she 

She said a halal law would provide a stronger legal basis to impose sanctions 
on companies that lied about the contents of their products. 

"The bill will stipulate sanctions if there is forgery or mixing halal and 
non-halal foods," Badriyah said, adding that this could result in fines of up 
to Rp 4 million ($400). 

Husna Zahir, chairwoman of the Indonesian Consumers Foundation (YLKI), said she 
was concerned that the issue of classifying products as halal had distracted 
attention from the real debate. 

"This ongoing problem must not divert the government's focus from product 
safety, because what we need is an effective system capable of making sure that 
all products distributed in the markets are safe and halal to consume," she 

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