Nov 7, 2009

Facebook people power
By Sara Schonhardt 

JAKARTA - Thousands of Indonesians have taken to the streets in the past week 
to protest the arrests of two anti-corruption commissioners and demand that 
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono take a stand against graft in a nation with 
a long history of bribery and political shenanigans. 

The demonstrations are a stark reminder of those that occurred more than 10 
years ago, when Indonesians rallied to demand the ouster of dictator Suharto. 
This time, the weight of remonstration is digital, in the form of a Facebook 

The popular social networking site claims a small but rapidly growing market in 
Indonesia, the world's seventh-largest Facebook community with 8.52 million 
users, according to data compiled by Google Trends. The growth rate is fast - 
8.23 million joined in the past 12 months alone. 

After two members of the Corruption Eradication Commission, better known as 
KPK, were arrested last Thursday, more than 350,000 people joined a Facebook 
page in support of the deputies. Thousands more signed up throughout the day 
and new comments have been posted to the wall almost every second. Public 
demonstrations have since been held, but they've drawn nowhere near the support 
seen on Facebook. 

By Friday morning, a week after the site launched, it was well on its way to 
reaching one million members, with more than 925,000 people having signed up by 
9am. Wall posts have ranged from outrage toward the police - "Confess now, then 
ask forgiveness later", wrote Agus Sutragus - to pleas for the president to 
"defend the people's struggle" and to root out corruption for the good of the 

The site's main goal, according to creator Usman Yasin, is to push for law 
enforcement reform in Indonesia. The corruption scandal continues to swirl, 
raising daily intrigue and conspiracy theories. But what many analysts here are 
now discussing is how people have democratically responded to an event that has 
created mass public dissatisfaction and could, they say, significantly 
undermine the social and political stability that recently re-elected Yudhoyono 
struggled to rebuild during his first five years in power. 

"Now we have a new model on how to control our government," said Teten Masduki, 
the secretary general of Transparency International in Indonesia and a part of 
the team summoned by the president on Sunday to advise him on an appropriate 
response to the uproar. "With new technology it's easy to share our 
dissatisfaction with the president: just update your status." 

Teten also highlighted the importance of a change in election laws that saw 
politicians directly elected by voters for the first time in the 11 years since 
democracy has taken hold in Indonesia. He remains sanguine about the potential 
for Facebook and other on-line social networking sites to mobilize public 

"People want to say we support the KPK and we believe justice will win. 
Facebook has become a political indicator of that," said the anti-corruption 
activist, who worked with a popular Indonesian band to release a ringtone 
Wednesday in support of the KPK. In the first few hours after its release, more 
than 40,000 people had used the jingle. 

After decades of authoritarian rule under Suharto, which included a 
stranglehold on independent media, Indonesia now enjoys greater freedom of 
speech and more open political debate in the news arena. 

The Internet increasingly plays a critical role as a platform for independent 
debate, "so much so that mainstream media are left with no choice but to start 
reporting issues that are causing waves in cyberspace," Jakarta Globe columnist 
Karim Raslan wrote on Thursday. He believes that the pushback from civil 
society shows people are not as complacent as they seem, and this could prove a 
challenge that will keep Yudhoyono on his toes throughout his second term. 

Many politicians also have recognized the importance of the Internet, and 
several took their campaigns online during the July presidential elections as a 
way to win over young voters. New information minister, Tifatul Sembiring, says 
he sends out daily tweets on Twitter, a site that allows people to post short 
thoughts or questions. 

'Game-changing' agent 
Some see Facebook users as a strategic segment of society and believe a 
presence on the site increases their access to Indonesian youth as well as 
high-level bureaucrats and businesspeople who can influence public information. 
Other analysts say the latest Facebook showing is more proof of digital media's 
power, not only among Indonesian youth, but also among those who lost faith in 
the independence of mainstream media during the Suharto years and now prefer 
the Web for independent news and analysis. 

"The Internet is a 'game-changing' agent even in a polity such as Indonesia 
where the media is relatively free," wrote Karim. 

But whether online activism translates to political action remains to be seen. 
Some suggest it may be just a passing fad, pointing out that the majority of 
Facebook users in Indonesia are already well-educated, well-informed members of 
the middle class. That automatically makes them more likely to take an interest 
in politics and seek to influence politicians through outlets outside of 

Others say the swelling support seen on Facebook pushed Yudhoyono to assemble a 
fact-finding team into the allegations on Monday. But it was ultimately the 
public dissemination through court hearings of wiretapped conversation 
indicating that senior police and attorney general's office officials may have 
been complicit in a plot to undermine the KPK that led to the two 
commissioners' release on Tuesday. 

This is not the first time Facebook has played a role in public protest in 
Indonesia. In July, thousands signed up to support Prita, a mother of two who 
was accused of criminally defaming an international hospital in an e-mail that 
criticized the facility's treatment. Whether or not the Facebook support made a 
difference, it did draw attention to Prita's case, with nearly 60,000 
supporters signing up to the Facebook group calling for her freedom. When she 
was eventually released from jail, many social activists credited the campaign 
sparked by Facebook. 

Other on-line protest groups include an anti-polygamy coalition started after a 
controversial global polygamy club launched a branch in Indonesia in 
mid-October. Indonesia Unite, which launched a page as a way for Indonesians to 
take a stand against terrorism following the Marriott and Ritz Carlton hotel 
bombings in July, has since participated in a blogging conference and launched 
its own T-shirts, pins and stickers in an effort to gain a presence outside the 

While Facebook has become a prime way of coordinating people and promoting 
public awareness campaigns, the Internet still only reaches around 10% of 
Indonesia's 240 million people. Mobile connectivity is greater, with nearly 60% 
of Indonesians owning a cell phone, and the explosion of portable Web devices 
such as BlackBerrys have given more people access to Facebook and Twitter, 
allowing them to update their status on the go. 

The low cost of such devices also opens Facebook to a wider swath of society, 
giving more citizens access to tools that help them shape not only the news but 
also the way the government responds to their demands. Public arguments on the 
social networking site have also raised debate about how the country's 
draconian electronic information law can best be applied in the new digital 

After one week of solid support for the KPK deputies, in democratic fashion, 
one Facebook user posted a comment that backed the other side: "Go Indonesian 
police, swallow those geckos alive," wrote the user, referring to a derogatory 
term used to describe the KPK. Hundreds of angry comments followed the post, 
while others reminded members to the group that Indonesia is now a country that 
embraces free speech. 

But the corruption scandal and the online response has revealed a rift in 
society that Transparency International's Teten said is becoming more 
polarized. "You can see the president is behind the police and the attorney 
general while the people are behind the KPK." It's an expression of popular 
dissent that wouldn't have been possible under the authoritarianism of Suharto, 
or before the advent of Facebook. 

Sara Schonhardt is a freelance writer based in Jakarta, Indonesia. She has 
lived and worked in Southeast Asia for six years and has a master's degree in 
international affairs from Columbia University. 

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