Fatine: Only God should judge me 


Malaysian transsexual Fatine says she has deserves to love and to be loved and 
that her only crime is being a woman trapped in a man's body.

Fatine and Ian..she says only God should judge her when it comes to her 
Fatine, 36, who was born Mohammed Fadzil Bahari says only God should judge her 
when it comes to her sexuality.

"I have never committed any crime and have never hurt anyone in my life."

"My only crime is being a woman trapped in a man's body, but I still deserve to 
love and to be loved." she wrote in her Facebook note.

Fatine has been staying in the UK since last year and married Englishman Ian 
Young, 30, in a civil partnership in May.

The make-up artist said she married Young to legalise their relationship.

"It had nothing to do with religion. He is still of his religious faith and I 
am still a Muslim," he said, adding that she was happy living there as people 
accepted her as she was.

Fatine said in the note that she might be ignorant about some religious matters 
but had never neglected her prayers, fasting and other obligations as a Muslim.

According to the Malay tabloid Kosmo!, Fatine's family had expressed concern 
that she might leave Islam after marrying the Englishman.

Fatine, who is living with Young in Derby, is currently facing immigration 
problems over her tourist visa and faces possible deportation.

Published Dec 7 2009

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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