
'Experts' say SBY's rally claims 'unwise'
Hans David Tampubolon ,  The Jakarta Post ,  Jakarta   |  Wed, 12/09/2009 8:56 
AM  |  National 

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono should have chosen his words carefully 
before publicly claiming the antigraft rally scheduled for Wednesday could be a 
political movement to oust him, experts and legislators said Tuesday.

"The President said his claim was based on reliable intelligence data. Such 
data should be kept confidential and not made public," Tjahyo Kumolo, a 
legislator from the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) faction, 

"Intelligence officials understand the importance of keeping sensitive data 
secret to avoid a public panic. The President, however, clearly doesn't," he 

Unknown to Tjahyo, the freedom of information and expression are basic tenets 
of democracy.
Wednesday's rally will commemorate International Anticorruption Day which is 
observed annually on Dec. 9.

Nasir Djamil, a Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) legislator, said Yudhoyono's 
fear of the rally was baseless, and at the same time, baselessly called the 
President "paranoid".

"Every single law abiding citizen has the right to express his or her opinion 
whether personally or in public," he said, clearly making an exception for 

"I regret the way Yudhoyono communicated his concerns about Wednesday's events. 
His statements were counterproductive and will only make the public further 
doubt his intentions of eradicating corruption," he said.

A political analyst from the Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI), Burhanuddin 
Muhtadi, said even if the movement contained a hidden agenda to unseat 
Yudhoyono, he should not have voiced his concerns.

"The President was looking to gain sympathy from the people by playing the role 
of the victim," 
he said.

"However, he should have realized that the public are not easily stirred by any 
political movement to impeach the President, because the public are not very 
keen on the idea of impeachment," he said.

"By overreacting, the President has given more reasons for his political rivals 
to make him the common enemy," he added.

There is widespread speculation that Yudhoyono may have based his claim on a 
meeting that took allegedly place at the Dharmawangsa Hotel in Jakarta. Rumors 
of the meeting have been propagated on the internet through emails and social 
networking sites.

It is rumored that a number of the country's top political and social leaders 
had gathered at the Dharmawangsa Hotel with the intention of forming a plot to 
overthrow Yudhoyono under cover of the rally. 

People rumored to have attended the meeting include former vice president Jusuf 
Kalla (who ran unsuccessfully against Yudhoyono in elections earlier this 
year), media mogul Surya Paloh (who lost out to Aburizal Bakrie in his bid to 
head Golkar) and Syafii Ma'arif, the former chairman of Muhammadiyah.

All those allegedly involved in the meeting have suggested the accusations that 
they were plotting to 
depose Yudhoyono were bull... and that such a meeting had never taken place.

"Anyone claiming the meeting really did take place is just fantasizing. The 
last time I visited the Dharmawangsa Hotel was a couple of years ago," Syafii 
told The Jakarta Post on Tuesday.

"So, anyone who believes such evidently fabricated claims is clearly paranoid 
and frightened of the ever growing anti-corruption movement," he added, making 
a distinct yet indirect reference to Yudhoyono.

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