
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

WASHINGTON DIARY: The rise of extremism -Dr Manzur Ejaz

 After the Afghan war ended, the US left in haste, leaving behind the mess of 
several hundered thousand jihadis. The Pakistani establishment, intoxicated by 
the routing of the Soviets, undertook ventures to conquer Afghanistan and 
Kashmir, and destabilise India. The mullah-military nexus was further 

The rise of the right wing conservative religious forces in Pakistan was due to 
a combination of factors. A changing economy, military adventures and backward 
state institutions played a main role in giving rise to jihadism, etc. It was 
not dictator Zia or other military rulers who were the only players in such an 
outcome. The evolution of Pakistan has to be reviewed in a broad historical 

The 1965 war had done irreparable damage to Ayub Khan's regime; the economy 
started sagging, food shortages became common and prices of necessities saw a 
steep rise. In such a depressing environment, Ayub Khan and his son's 
corruption scandals became the diet of daily political discussions. In a 
shrinking job market and increasing population, the post-partition born 
educated work force was seeking jobs with no success. Later on, Zulifqar Ali 
Bhutto's breaking away and his exploitation of the Tashkent Agreement further 
undermined the Ayub regime.

Around 1965-66, on the surface, Ayub Khan was very strong because there was no 
credible opposition to his rule except in East Pakistan. It appeared that Ayub 
and his descendants were set to rule forever, but from within the regime had 
been hollowed out by incurable termites and pests. The internal corrosion of 
the regime and the overall system was not being noticed by anyone.

The parties on the left - National Awami Party along with the newly founded 
Pakistan People's Party (in 1967) and Awami League - apprehending the weakness, 
had started raising the heat. Jamaat-i-Islami (JI) and other right wing parties 
were active as well, but they had not much public following. By 1968, when Ayub 
Khan was celebrating his 'Golden Decade of Progress', a strong anti-regime 
movement was taking root both in East and West Pakistan. When the riots broke 
out in both units (more ferocious in East Pakistan), Ayub Khan, by now in 
declining health, gave in to General Yahya Khan in 1969.

Yahya Khan's regime, incensed by the rising tide of the left, the popularity of 
PPP's roti, kapra aur makan and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's six point agenda for 
East Pakistan's autonomy, had reverted to taking help from religious 
conservatives, particularly the JI. Yahya Khan's confidant General Sher Ali 
Khan was deputed to undertake the ideological cleansing of the media and 
educational institutions. Mian Tufail Mohammad is on record as saying that 
Yahya Khan had promulgated all necessary Islamic laws and it was up to the 
citizens to practice them.

When the general elections were held in 1970, none in Yahya Khan's regime 
expected the results that came out: Awami League won all but two seats in East 
Pakistan and Bhutto's PPP swept West Pakistan. Religious parties had 
popularised anew the slogan: "Pakistan ka matlab kya..." but their use of the 
Quran in processions did not work. Such slogans may have been there even before 
partition, but they were made operative in the 1970 elections.

The army and Yahya Khan, along with most of the people in West Pakistan, did 
not want the Awami League's rule at the Centre because of its real or perceived 
separatist ideology. Bhutto and others are blamed for not reaching a deal with 
the Awami League, but the fact of the matter is that East Pakistan had been 
lost much before the elections, as Yahya Khan acknowledged in one of his 
interviews later.

The military operation in East Pakistan played havoc with Pakistan's economy 
and its international standing. A genocide-type murderous military operation 
and the ultimate routing by the Indian military (justified or not) created a 
mullah-military alliance in the remaining Pakistan. Besides, the JI had fought 
along with the military against the Bengali Muslims. Pakistan's armed forces 
were ideologically so insecure that they developed a strong belief that it was 
only religion that could save the rest of Pakistan. Therefore, instead of being 
thankful to Bhutto for bringing thousands of prisoners of war home, they felt 
threatened by his not-so-Islamic ideological stance. Bhutto tried to placate 
them through his own Islamisation, but it never worked.

The anti-Bhutto mullah-military alliance also strengthened because of the 
rapidly changing intra-class status quo and mammoth changes in the political 
economy. Bhutto had awakened the masses to get their genuine rights, which did 
not go down well with the traditional middle classes and the elite from where 
the military is recruited. In addition, the old mode of agrarian production was 
changing from the thousands of years old ox and wooden plough into mechanised 
cultivation. Internal migration from the rural to urban areas was accelerating. 
These trends were accentuated by the Bhutto regime's liberal passport policies, 
resulting in the mass migration of workers and foreign earnings flowing into 
the economy. In short, the political economy was changing fast while the state 
was stuck in its old mode. The gap was filled by rising religious ideology 
aided by the elites and the military. By 1977, the mullah-military-elite 
alliance was so strong that Bhutto's election victory did not matter and he was 
hanged eventually.

Ziaul Haq, an extremely conservative Muslim, built upon the Islamisation Yahya 
Khan and Bhutto had started. At this point, the communist takeover in 
Afghanistan and the eventual military intervention by the Soviet Union 
furthered the cause of Islamisation. In its effort to defeat the Soviet Union, 
the US threw in billions of dollars and weapons, and provided training to 
bolster the Islamisits and jihadists. As a matter of fact, it was the US that 
injected the concept of international jihad into the Pak-Afghan localised 
religious movements through systematic propaganda and even a change in the 
curriculum being taught in Pakistan.

After the Afghan war ended, the US left in haste, leaving behind the mess of 
several hundered thousand jihadis. The Pakistani establishment, intoxicated by 
the routing of the Soviets, undertook ventures to conquer Afghanistan and 
Kashmir, and destabilise India. The mullah-military nexus was further 
strengthened, playing havoc with all other institutions of the state. The 
rapidly changing political economy of Pakistan through the electronic media and 
other technologies was unsettling the institutions as well. This was the worst 
combination of factors that created anarchy and lawlessness in the country. 
This phase has been prevalent till very recently, despite the US intervention 
after 9/11. However, the situation has been changing for the last few years 
with some institutions of the state getting stronger and the mullah-military 
alliance teetering. Emerging trends need a lengthy discussion which is beyond 
the scope of this column.

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