Al-Asheikh calls for fighting terrorism

Published: Feb 20, 2010 12:35 AM Updated: Feb 20, 2010 1:29 AM 

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia's top religious authority on Friday denounced terrorism as 
un-Islamic and condemned the killing of civilians, saying such attacks have 
nothing to do with Islam.

"Terrorism is criminal and spills the blood of innocents," said Grand Mufti 
Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah Al-Asheikh, chairman of the Council of Senior 
Islamic Scholars.

"It attacks security, spreads terror among people and creates problems for 
society ... Such acts are forbidden by Islamic law," he said in a statement 
carried by the Saudi Press Agency.

"It is necessary to fight the attempts of some to attach terrorism to Islam and 
Muslims with the goal of distorting the religion and assailing its leadership 
role in the world," he added.

Al-Asheikh's statement came on the eve of a workshop on combating terrorism and 
its financing. The workshop, to be held in Riyadh, has been organized by the 
Commission for Investigation and Public Prosecution in association with the UN 
Office on Drugs and Crime in the Middle East and North Africa. Eleven 
international experts are to take part in the program.

"Saudi Arabia has been fighting terrorism for many years. It has a wealth of 
experience in successfully combating terrorism and terror financing," said 
Al-Asheikh emphasizing the need to make use of Saudi Arabia's expertise in the 

He said Islam has prohibited killing innocent people. "If anyone kills a 
person, and this killing is not in retaliation for a murder or is done to 
spread mischief in the land, then it is as if he has killed the whole of 
mankind. And if anyone saves a life, it is as if he has saved the whole of 
mankind," the mufti said quoting a verse from the Holy Qur'an.

Al-Asheikh called for international cooperation to fight terrorism, something 
that threatens not only Muslims but the whole of mankind. "We should dry the 
sources of terror funding and their sources of weapons," he said.

The three-day workshop in Riyadh will include 16 sessions, which will focus on 
expanding international cooperation and developing judicial systems and 
regulations to confront terrorism and exchanging information among countries 
and international organizations.

Topics such as the Kingdom's experience in combating terrorism, the UAE's 
anti-terror legislation and the efforts of Naif Arab University for Security 
Sciences in fighting terrorism are also to be discussed at the workshop.

Mohammed Sadullah Khan, Riyadh

Feb 20, 2010 12:42 PM 

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Religion of Peace and Justice 

Terrorism is alien to Islam. Islam believes in Peace and Justice. In Islam 
killing an innocent human being irrespective whether he is a Muslim or 
non-Muslim is not allowed. It gives emphasis to saving the lives of fellow 
beings. Islam motives its followers by saying that killing an innocent human 
being is like killing the entire Mankind and saving a human being is equivalent 
to saving the entire Mankind. Unfortunately vested elements with ulterior 
motives have over the years linked terrorism with Islam. However due to 
availability of information and awareness this should change. The root causes 
of terrorism should be explored and addressed properly to end the menace of 
Terrorism. More awareness programs should be launched to correct the 
mis-understanding among all. 

Feb 21, 2010 12:45 AM 

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Its about time such public prouncements are made. More and more religious 
auhorities and scholars should make such statements publicly and privately, not 
just for media purposes but also believe and preach that Islam is a religion of 
peace, justice and promotes caring and decent treatment of the poor and 
alan garfield

Feb 21, 2010 12:55 AM 

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Where have you been Grand Mufti. I have always believed Islam is a religeon of 
peace. How have you and others allowed it to be hijacked by criminals and let 
loose on an ignorant world. 

Feb 21, 2010 1:11 AM 

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This is very timely address from the Grand Mufti.It truly represents the 
Islamic teachings.It is the clear message to all who has ill concept in the 
mind that they are serving the Islam by doing this barbarism.May Allah SWT 
navigate them at the right path.Aameen 
Debasish Sarkar

Feb 21, 2010 1:21 AM 

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I have worked in Saudi Arabia, my experience was fantastic,I must say it is a 
fantastic country. But if you say about terrorism, saudi nationals are biggest 
donnors to the various terrorist organization even today. The authority should 
check that. The young Saudi national should be brought to the main stream,the 
majority of the Saudi youth are disorganized,unfocussed and not educated enough 
to distinguish the good and evil,they should receive quality 
education,offcourse Islam should be the main subject but it should be from the 
main stream organization. 
A broader approach is required to streamline this process. The youth are the 
main driving force of any country. To give a effective direction and bring them 
to the main stream soceity should be the prime task of the goverment and the 
honourable King. 


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