Mesir adalah tetangga Arab Saudia, sekalipun mirip kebudayaan  dua negeri ini, 
tetapi pemerintah Mesir telah melarang wanita-wanita Mesir untuk pergi bekerja 
di Arab Saudia. Alasannya ialah karena perbedaan  kebudayaan. Mungkin kalau 
dipikir agak mendalam adalah tidak lain karena perlakuan seperti apa yang 
sering dialami  oleh TKW Indonesia.

Barangkali perlu diperhatikan juga orang Arab itu agak menadang rendah terhadap 
bangsa lain.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Kartono Mohamad 
  To: Ansyaad Mbai ; 
  Cc: ; ; 
  Sent: Monday, March 01, 2010 3:51 AM
  Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Hospital fears for abused maid's life, 
Indonesia Consulate refused to follow up

  Sangat menyedihkan jika pihak konsulat kemudian seperti takut-takut
  menangani kasus ini, atau malas membela bangsanya yang konon dianggap
  sebagai pahlawan devisa. Di pihak siapa sebenarnya pejabat konsulat itu
  berdiri? ajnagn lupa keberadaan mereka di sana dibayar dari uang yang antara
  lain disumbang oleh para pekerja tersebut.

  -------Original Message-------

  From: Dharmawan Ronodipuro
  Date: 3/1/2010 9:04:08 AM
  To: Ansyaad Mbai
  Subject: Hospital fears for abused maid's life, Indonesia Consulate refused
  to follow up
  Hospital fears for abused maid's life

  BRUTAL: Indonesian maid Sariti Haiti shows signs of torture on her back to
  doctors. (AN photo)
  Published: Feb 27, 2010 11:39 PM Updated: Feb 28, 2010 4:18 PM 
  JEDDAH: Erfan & Bagedo Hospital in Jeddah has rejected the request of Safa
  police to hand over an Indonesian maid, who has been receiving treatment at
  the hospital, to her sponsor. 
  The maid was admitted to hospital on Dec. 20, 2009 after she fell from the
  third floor of her sponsor's apartment building.
  The maid, Sariti Haiti, told hospital authorities that she had been tortured
  by her sponsor. She was brought to hospital by Red Crescent officials with
  injuries and bruises on different parts of her body. Initial reports said
  the maid's backbone and neck were broken after falling from the building.
  Doctors at the hospital observed that the maid had been beaten up and
  tortured and they found signs of torture on her back in the form of burns
  and signs of lashes. They also detected internal bleeding and an injury to
  her head. The treatment bill reached SR120,000.
  Dr. Ahmed Erfan, deputy general manager of the hospital, said the maid was
  working for a Saudi woman. "We contacted her sponsor to pay the bill. A man
  responded from the other side and acknowledged the maid worked for them but
  refused to pay the bill," he said.
  The hospital then contacted the Indonesian Consulate, which refused to
  accept the hospital's letter by hand. It had to send the letter then by fax.
  After a week a consulate representative came to inspect the condition of the
  maid but he did not come back again. "After two months we wrote a letter to
  Jeddah Gov. Prince Mishaal bin Majed, who promised he would follow up the
  matter," he said.
  Last week the hospital received a letter from the Safa police director
  asking them to hand over the maid to her sponsor. "Fearing for the maid's
  life, we placed her in the psychiatric section, which is guarded round the
  clock. We also informed the National Society for Human Rights which told us
  not to hand the woman over," he said.
  Dr. Erfan expressed surprise that the consulate was not cooperating with the
  hospital. He said the hospital would follow the instructions of the governor
  "We are not bothered about the bill but we are very concerned about the
  maid's health," he added. The Human Rights Commission said it would discuss
  the matter with the relevant authorities. The maid came to Saudi Arabia in
  August 2009.
  "After a month her woman sponsor started mistreating her," the maid said.
  The maid said the sponsor used to throw her food in the bin when there was
  any delay in completing her work. The sponsor also allegedly cut part of her
  hair in the front in order to prevent her from going out and threatened her
  that she would cut off all her hair.
  The maid said the sponsor accused her of stealing her gold. "She took me in
  front of her sons and removed all my clothes to check my body in order to
  find out whether I had kept that gold under the clothing," she said. The
  maid added her sponsor had also asked her to leave the house after giving
  her the passport but she did not leave, fearing the woman would tell police
  that she had run away.
  "After some time, the sponsor said the taste of tea I was preparing had
  changed as she accused me of urinating in the tea. I told her that it is
  haram and I would never do it. She also forced me to drink the urine of her
  children in front of them," she said. The maid said the sponsor had beaten
  her head with a frying pan on Dec. 19, 2009, causing a deep injury on her
  head. "My sponsor asked me to cover my head and remove the blood from the
  ground. She threatened me that she would cut my body into pieces if I did
  not follow her orders," she said.
  "I was afraid that she would kill me one day," the maid said, adding that
  she jumped from the apartment to escape from the sponsor. She did not
  remember anything except the guard told her not to jump from the building.

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