The struggle of being a woman journalist in Saudi Arabia
UPHILL BATTLE: A Saudi journalist observes a drill at a military base in Riyadh 
in this file photo. (AFP)


Published: Mar 8, 2010 00:36 Updated: Mar 8, 2010 00:54 

JEDDAH: The difficulties women journalists face in reporting an event in Saudi 
Arabia illustrates the wider difficulties experienced by women in the Kingdom. 
It starts with the press release. They arrive in abundance announcing outside 
events, seminars or conferences. 

But the press release does not mention that women should not attend them. Many 
women journalists have been stopped at the entrance or told to leave and get 
what they need by phone or email.

Manal Humaidan, a reporter at Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper, said she was once 
assigned to an education event before the organizer told her only men were 

Humaidan said she tried to explain that her newspaper had sent a reporter 
without taking gender into account.

"He was not cooperative so I spoke to my boss who called him and criticized his 
attitude. The organizer called me back apologizing and was willing to 
cooperate. He had to hear a voice of a man to know I was serious and there to 

Humaidan who has experienced similar incidents before, said that the support 
that women reporters receive from their employers is essential in terms of 
their productivity.

Humaidan said these incidents happen because of a general stereotype that women 
journalists do not cover events that are not clearly attached to female 

"We face other problems that are common between reporters of both genders, 
which is a lack of cooperation and transparency. There is still that fear of 
the media."

Humaidan said another potential problem is transport.

"I call up a driver to drop me at events that are prescheduled. But for events 
that pop up at the last minute, I am often too late for them because I am still 
waiting for a driver."

It is not only fieldwork that presents challenges, says fellow journalist 
Omaima Sanad. Sanad could not get a comment from a sheikh for a story she was 
working on.

"When he heard my voice he was not willing to speak. Plus he started preaching 
because I am working as a journalist."

She said a lack of cooperation from women was among the problems she faced.

"Female officials give us a hard time. They are not always available, and if 
they speak they will not tell you anything that is meaningful or useful for the 

Sanad believes that it is actually not women who are restricted if they are 
segregated from men at events. "Men are the ones who are restricted in one 
section. We always insist to go and meet contacts and exchange business cards 
in the men's section. So basically it is men who are prevented from going to 
the women's section," she said.

Women reporters from Arab News experienced considerable difficulties at two 
recent events. One reporter arrived at a press event only to be told by 
security guards that the women's event had moved to another location, which 
required a 45-minute trip across town.

However, on arrival the guards told Arab News that women were not allowed in. 
After an exhausting but frank discussion, the guards finally accepted that the 
reporter was there legitimately and was let in. So far so good. However, 
another security guard refused to let her into the main hall where the event 
was taking place. She was asked to go to the women's entrance where another 
guard refused to let her in.

The reporter pointed out that there were already women participating in the 
event before the guards finally relented.

A couple of days later at another event, two Arab News reporters were allowed 
into the women's section but were not allowed to meet officials or interview 
them on site.

No provision had been made for women, only for men, they were told.  So the 
reporters had to go outside onto the street to facilitate interviews with 

There is of course an easy way out. Women journalists could just stay in the 
office and rewrite press releases.  Perhaps that is what the public relations 
people want.

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