
647 women killed in the name of 'honour' last year

* HRCP report says 3,021 people killed, 7,334 injured across country 
* 1,668 suicide cases reported 

ISLAMABAD: The 2009 report of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) 
released on Monday revealed that there was a sharp surge in violence against 
women and 1,401 women were murdered during 2009. Out of these, 647 were 
murdered in the name of "honour", while 757 were killed for other reasons.

According to the report, 928 rape cases were reported last year and 563 women 
committed suicide, while 253 attempted it. It also said 135 women fell victim 
to burning, while cases of domestic violence, including torture, beating, 
murder attempts, increased from 137 in 2008 to 205 in 2009.

The report further revealed that in 2009, 3,021 people were killed and 7,334 
injured across Pakistan. Addressing the ceremony, HRCP Secretary General IA 
Rehman said according to unofficial estimates, around 164 incidents of target 
killings took place in Balochistan in which 118 citizens and 158 security 
officials were killed, while 83 citizens and seven security officials were 

HRCP Chairwoman Asma Jahangir chaired the ceremony.

According to the report, more than 209 people - mostly from political parties - 
were killed in Karachi in 2009. 

Moreover, seven journalists were killed across the country while performing 
their duties, while four died in crime-related incidents, the report said. In 
2009, 163 attacks were aimed directly at the media, including murders, 
kidnapping, threats, assaults and attacks on media establishments. 

Also, 224 cases of kidnapping for ransom took place in Punjab as compared to 
248 in 2008, whereas 163 people were abducted in Sindh, 241 in Balochistan and 
592 in the NWFP.

Suicide cases: The report said 1,668 suicide cases were reported across the 
country in 2009, whereas 747 people were killed in Karachi.

It said around 20,000 children die of diarrhoea every year and nearly 20 
percent of children suffer from asthma, adding 39 percent were moderately or 
severely malnourished.

The report also said Pakistan ranked 117 among 134 countries in terms of 
quality of primary education in the World Economics Forum's Global 
Competitiveness index of 2009. app

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