Refleksi : Bagaimana kalau NKRI menerima mereka, bukankah banyak pendukung 
Osama? Ataukah lain di bibir, lain di hati?\03\24\story_24-3-2010_pg7_13

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Bin Laden's family pleads for refuge

RIYADH: Al Qaeda chief Osama Bin Laden's son issued a plea on Tuesday for some 
country to accept members of his family seeking to leave Iran, where they have 
been held under house arrest since 2001.

After two of Omar Bin Laden's siblings were released by Tehran to Syria in the 
past three months, he and his wife Zaina issued a statement pleading for a 
refuge for their other family members still in Iran, mentioning specifically 
Qatar and the UAE.

"The Iranian government has nowhere to send Omar's other siblings," they wrote.

"We beg of any country to help us, either from the east or the western world. 
These are just as much innocent victims as anyone else," they said. "We ask 
again for the UAE or Qatar to please help them."

The letter received by AFP named 23 people still living in the Tehran compound 
where the family has been held since fleeing overland from Afghanistan in 2001. 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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