----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dwi Soegardi" <soega...@gmail.com>
To: <wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 08:47
Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Bagimana Media WM?----> Media urged to play 
vital role in fight against terror

Milis WM adalah media untuk mendiskusikan isu-isu yang terkait dengan
pemberdayaan perempuan, kajian gender, hubungan laki-laki dan perempuan.

Tindakan terorisme tentu harus dikutuk,
sama halnya dengan tindakan agresi terhadap negara berdaulat,
yang menyengsarakan rakyat dan menimbulkan korban orang yang tidak berdosa.

Ada aturan tertentu untuk mengeluarkan anggota milis ini,
terutama yang terkait dengan ancaman kekerasan terhadap anggota lainnya,
bukan karena pesanan, bukan karena jadi corong kekuasaan.


On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 7:52 PM, abdul <latifabdul...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Bismilahirrahmanirrahiim
> Bagaimana di Indonesia, masih banyak golongan2 Islam yg bersimpaty dgn
> perjuangan Al Qaida dan Taliban?
> Apakah tidak perlundi amati?
> Bagaimana NUR yang jelas2 bersimpaty dgnPerjuangan Taliban, dan anti
> Demokrasi?


 The Taliban

They're a blessing of Allah on the Ummah of Imaan.
They're believers in Islam, they're the Taliban.

They are symbolizing peace, they're upholding every right.
May Allah give them ease, may Allah give them might.
May Allah guide them so, they only do what is right.
May Allah help them to, hold the rope of Allah tight.

They're a blessing of Allah on the Ummah of Imaan.
They're upholders of Islam, they're the Taliban.

Where they won the war we see, peace and justice in the land.
To the poor and needy, they have lent a helping hand.
Despite so many sanctions from the disbelieving band,
They're holding on, and trying hard, and firm are on their stand.

They're a blessing of Allah on the Ummah of Imaan.
They're the victors of Islam, they're the Taliban.

They are getting from the world, only negative and worse.
They are treated by the enemies, as a bitter curse.
They've emptied out their pockets, and empty is their purse.
They're wounded by the sanctions, now who is there to nurse?

They're a blessing of Allah on the Ummah of Imaan.
They're your brothers in Islam, they're the Taliban.

Why listen to the media, that hates and does defame,
The Taliban and others, who rise in Allah's name.
It's run by open enemies, who lie and have no shame.
Don't be deceived by Satan, this is his dirty game.

They're a blessing of Allah on the Ummah of Imaan.
They're the scholars of Islam, they're the Taliban.

If truth is what you seek, and that's the way to be,
Go travel to the Taliban, with your own eyes to see,
Or listen to good Muslims, who've been there recently,
Insha'Allah you will then, like all of us agree:

They're a blessing of Allah on the Ummah of Imaan.
They're an asset for Islam, they're the Taliban.

Will the Ummah realize: they're a symbol of it's might.
They went against the world, they stood up for what is right,
Their strength is our strength, let's not limit our sight
Let's strengthen them and aid them and make their burden light.

They're a blessing of Allah on the Ummah of Imaan,
They're a power for Islam, they're the Taliban.

Will the Ummah realize: it has a role to play,
To help a wounded nation, that the world is bound to slay,
Through sanctions and through weapons, and every other way
What will you say to Allah? Don't waste another day.
Go help and not just criticize the Taliban today.

They're a blessing of Allah on the Ummah of Imaan,
They're your brothers in Islam, they're the Taliban.


> Bisakah WM sebagai Media ikut aktif,menentang ==EMBRIO==teroris?
> salam=peace
> --- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com 
> <wanita-muslimah%40yahoogroups.com>,
> "sunny" <am...@...> wrote:
> >
> > http://arabnews.com/saudiarabia/article36664.ece
> >
> > Media urged to play vital role in fight against terror
> >
> > Published: Mar 30, 2010 00:10 Updated: Mar 30, 2010 00:15
> >
> > MADINAH: Second Deputy Premier and Minister of Interior Prince Naif has
> urged the Saudi media to play a vital role in the Kingdom's fight against
> terrorism and extremism.
> >
> > Answering questions of delegates after opening a conference on terrorism
> at the Islamic University here on Sunday, Prince Naif also urged Saudi
> mothers to monitor their children and correct them when they deviate from
> the right path.
> >
> > "Our media should move quickly and strongly to confront the challenges
> responsibly," said the minister while criticizing the media for focusing 
> on
> nonbeneficial silly issues.
> >
> > Prince Naif, however, welcomed constructive criticism from the press
> based on facts. He urged parents and teachers to protect children from 
> being
> enticed by forces of evil that spread extremism and violence.
> >
> > Prince Naif said the rehab program for militants has achieved good
> results. "This program has won the admiration of the security authorities 
> in
> various countries. We have prepared a draft of the intellectual security
> strategy and submitted it to the Council of Arab Interior Ministers. This 
> is
> a scientific work that will benefit those who are working in 
> rehabilitation
> programs," he said.
> >
> > Prince Naif opened the dialogue with students of the university by
> renewing a call for drying up the sources of terrorism, saying: "If all
> people do not work to dry up the sources of terrorism, it will continue." 
> He
> said Saudi security forces had foiled more than 200 terrorist attacks in 
> the
> Kingdom.
> >
> > "We are still facing terrorism. We are working day and night to detect
> and prevent terrorist acts," he said.
> >
> > Speaking at the conference, Princess Adilah bint Abdullah, daughter of
> Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah, described terrorism as a
> complicated phenomenon.
> >
> > "Family violence acts as a breeding ground for terrorists," the princess
> said quoting a study. "Violence against children will force them to run 
> away
> on to the streets. These children then become criminals and terrorists. 
> This
> is one of the dangerous consequences of domestic violence," she pointed 
> out.
> >
> > He emphasized the importance of intellectual security to protect 
> > citizens
> from dangerous and deviant thoughts and ideas. "Intellectual security is 
> no
> less important than public security, but it might be more important as it 
> is
> the engine that moves human beings and we cannot ignore latest 
> developments
> in our society. The Islamic world has a responsibility to reject ideas 
> that
> are alien to Islam," he explained.
> >
> > The Kingdom's Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Asheikh said that the
> nation of Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him) is the nation of moderation
> and justice, adding that Islamic teachings are based on moderation.
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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