April 01, 2010 
Tom Heneghan

Muslim Scholars Reject Militants' Reading of Medieval Jihad Fatwa

Paris. Prominent Muslim scholars have recast a famous medieval fatwa on jihad, 
arguing that the religious edict radical Islamists often cite to justify 
killing cannot be used in a globalized world that respects faith and civil 

A conference in Mardin, southeastern Turkey, declared that the fatwa by 14th 
century scholar Ibn Taymiyya rules out militant violence and that the medieval 
Muslim division of the world into a "house of Islam" and "house of unbelief" no 
longer applies.

Osama bin Laden has quoted Ibn Taymiyya's "Mardin fatwa" repeatedly in his 
calls for Muslims to overthrow the Saudi monarchy and wage jihad against the 
United States.

In reference to that historic document, the conference declared: "Anyone who 
seeks support from this fatwa for killing Muslims or non-Muslims has erred in 
his interpretation. It is not for a Muslim individual or a Muslim group to 
announce and declare war or engage in combative jihad?...?on their own," said 
the declaration, which was issued on Sunday in Arabic and later provided in 

The declaration is the latest bid by mainstream scholars to use age-old Muslim 
texts to refute current-day religious arguments by Islamist groups. A leading 
Pakistani scholar issued a 600-page fatwa against terrorism in London in early 

The Mardin conference gathered 15 leading scholars from countries including 
Saudi Arabia, Turkey, India, Senegal, Kuwait, Iran, Morocco and Indonesia. 
Among them were Bosnian Grand Mufti Mustafa Ceric, Sheik Abdullah bin Bayyah of 
Mauritania and Yemeni Sheik Habib Ali al-Jifri. Militants say the fatwa allows 
Muslims to declare other Muslims infidels and wage war on them. The scholars 
said this view had to be seen in its historic context of medieval Mongol raids 
on Muslim lands.

The emergence of civil states that guard religious, ethnic and national rights 
"has necessitated declaring the entire world a place of tolerance and peaceful 
coexistence between all religious, groups and factions," the scholars said. 


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