Kalau kita baca Media cetak, mereka sangat keras untuk membela dan menegakan 
Syariat Islam. Wanita2 dipaksa berpakaian Jilbab dan laki laki dipaksa 
berjabang dan berjenggot serta berpakaian sunnah Rasul.

Namun ternyata; "90 percent of the world's heroin." datang dari daerah2 taliban 
Afganistan. Nauzubillah.

Penderitaan2 yang di alami oleh Rakyat taliban kususnya Afganistan umumnya, 
adalah kutukan2 dari ALLAH.

Sesungguhnya ALLAH tidak menganiaya hamba2Nya, tapi mereka sendirilah yang 
menganiaya dirinya.

Mereka sudah tahu bahwa Heroin itu adalah barang terlarang, namun karena 
pengaruh setan untuk mendapatan uang dan nafkah, mereka menanam dan menjual kpd 

Semoga ALLAH mmeberikan petunjuk2 kpd ulama2 yangmengaku penegak agama islam.



KABUL – Opium seizures in Afghanistan soared 924 percent last year because of 
better cooperation between Afghan and international forces, the top U.S. drug 
enforcement official said Thursday.

The Taliban largely funds the insurgency by profits from the opium trade, 
making it a growing target of U.S. and Afghan anti-insurgency operations. 
Afghanistan produces the raw opium used to make 90 percent of the world's 

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration now has 96 agents in the country who 
joined with Afghan counterparts and NATO forces in more than 80 combined 
operations last year, acting DEA administrator Michelle Leonhart said at a news 
conference in Kabul.

"That is the success of bringing the elements, civil, military Afghan partners 
together," Leonhart said.

Leonhart did not give figures for total amounts of drugs seized but said the 
increase was 924 percent between 2008 and 2009. International groups estimate 
that only about 2 percent of Afghanistan's drug production was blocked from 
leaving the country in 2008 for markets in Central Asia and Europe.

Leonhart said eradication efforts had already scored some success in the south, 
with opium cultivation down more than 30 percent in Helmand province that is 
responsible for half of Afghanistan's total production.

She said the DEA was working with U.S. forces moving into the Taliban 
heartland, including "significant operations" in Helmand.

"There is a very good plan put together to have very robust interdiction 
operations going forward there, eventually moving that to other provinces in 
the south," Leonhart said.

Such operations place the Afghan government and its foreign allies in a bind 
because eradicating poppy fields risks driving angry farmers, for whom opium 
poppy is a cheap, hardy, low-risk crop, into the arms of the insurgents because 
they fear loss of their livelihood.

Efforts to replace opium with other crops such as wheat and vegetables haven't 
scored wide success because profits for the farmers are much lower than for 

Leonhart gave no details of the strategy for the south, but stressed that the 
focus was not on farmers but on seizing drugs and weapons, arresting 
traffickers, and tracing the profits of the trade.

"Because the money is what fuels the insurgency," Leonhart said.

In a sign that traffickers are striking back against such efforts, 13 people 
were killed Wednesday when a bomb concealed on a bicycle exploded near a crowd 
gathered to receive free vegetable seeds provided by the British government as 
part of a program to encourage them not to plant opium poppy.

No one claimed responsibility for the attack, although the acting provincial 
head of agriculture, Ghulam Sahki, said the blast could have been the work of 
drug dealers trying to stop the alternative crop program.

A recent NATO operation in the Helmand town of Marjah struck at the heart of 
the Taliban opium business. While troops discovered acres (hectares) of poppy 
fields and numerous opium packing operations, farmers were left alone.

NATO, U.S. and Afghan forces took control of Marjah in a three-week offensive 
in February and early March but face a fearful and mistrustful population as 
they work to set up a functioning government.

Also Thursday, an Indian diplomat said India was suspending teaching and aid 
operations in Kabul following a February bomb attack that killed six Indian 

Those operations should be restored in two or three months and similar Indian 
aid efforts in four other Afghan cities remained up and running, said J.P. 
Singh, spokesman for the Indian Embassy in Kabul.

The Taliban have long opposed India's involvement in Afghanistan because of its 
ties to the Afghan group that helped the U.S. oust the Islamist regime in late 

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