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Muslim Scholars Condemn Bombings 
02 April 2010
Muslim scholars from a dozen countries on Thursday condemned suicide bombings 
by Islamist rebels in Moscow and Dagestan as "criminal terrorist attacks" that 
violated their faith. 

The 24 scholars, including five prominent muftis from Russia, also spoke out 
against recent violence in Iraq and expressed their condolences to victims and 
their families. 

The Russian bombings killed at least 50 people and injured another 100 in less 
than three days, stirring fears of a major bombing campaign by Islamist 

"Islam absolutely upholds the sanctity of human life and no grievances, even 
when legitimate, can ever be used to justify or legitimate such murderous and 
evil acts," said a statement by the scholars issued in Dubai. 

Chechen rebels claimed responsibility on Wednesday for two suicide bombings 
that killed 39 people in the Moscow metro and threatened further attacks in the 
Russian heartland. 

Chechen rebel leader Doku Umarov said in a video posted on Islamist rebel web 
site that he ordered the Moscow attacks in revenge for Prime Minister Vladimir 
Putin's policies in the mainly-Muslim North Caucasus. 

The video was posted just hours after two suicide bombers killed at least 12 
people in Dagestan. 

The statement by the mainstream muftis, theologians and Islamic officials 
reflects a trend among them to try to express what they say is widespread 
rejection among Muslims around the world of violence by militants claiming to 
act in Islam's name. 

Among the signatories were the grand muftis (top Islamic jurists) of Egypt, 
Syria, Lebanon and Bosnia and the head of the Russian Mufti Council. 

The scholars represented major schools of Islam and came from India, the Middle 
East, Europe and the United States. The declaration was issued by an Islamic 
think tank, Kalam Research and Media, in Dubai. 

In a separate statement, the Libya-based World Islamic Call Society, which 
unites 250 Muslim organizations around the globe, also condemned "the recent 
vicious terrorist attacks perpetrated against innocent fellow human beings in 
Moscow and Dagestan.

"Islamic principles and ethics are absolutely against such evil," 
Secretary-General Muhammad Ahmed Sharif said. 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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