WHO is WHO...kenalkah anda seorang muslimah yang bernama;IRSHAD MANJI?

MARI kita kenal dia siapa dia sesungguhnya muslimah ini dari tulisan2nya.Banyak 
ilmu yang dapat kita ambl dari Irshad Manji,bagi yang berpikir dan cinta ilmu.

Irshad is Director of the Moral Courage Project at New York University. It aims 
to develop leaders who will challenge political correctness, intellectual 
conformity and self-censorship. In the best spirit of liberal education, the 
Moral Courage Project teaches that rights come with responsibilities, that we 
are citizens rather than members of mere tribes, and that meaningful diversity 
embraces different ideas and not just identities.
Launching the Moral Courage Project at NYU's Robert F. Wagner School of Public 

Through her commitment to Muslim reform, Irshad is putting these principles 
into practice.  She is the internationally best-selling author of The Trouble 
with Islam Today: A Muslim's Call for Reform in Her Faith. Her book has been 
published in more than 30 countries, including Pakistan, India, Lebanon and 
Indonesia - the world's largest Muslim nation.

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