50 dead as Baghdad bombings stoke fears of warfare 
A woman reacts as residents gather near the site of a bomb attack in central 
Baghdad. (Reuters)


Published: Apr 6, 2010 14:45 Updated: Apr 7, 2010 04:56 

BAGHDAD: Bombs ripped through apartment buildings and a market in mostly Shiite 
areas of Baghdad on Tuesday, killing 50 people in postelection bloodshed that 
threatens to rekindle sectarian warfare that nearly destroyed the country three 
years ago.

The attacks appeared to be an attempt by Al-Qaeda in Iraq or other extremists 
to exploit a power vacuum during what promises to be lengthy negotiations to 
form a new government. About 120 people have been killed in and around the 
capital over the past five days - some of the most brutal strikes on civilians 
in months.

For two terrifying hours on a warm, sunny Tuesday morning, at least seven bombs 
rocked a broad swath of Baghdad. In a new tactic, several bombs were planted 
inside empty apartments after renters offered high prices for the properties, 
the government said.

The explosions reduced one building to rubble, knocked out windows and doors 
and ripped off facades. People rushed to the blast sites, digging through the 
rubble with their hands to find loved ones.

"Cars began to collide with one another in the street," said Ali Hussein, a 
22-year-old college student who was riding the bus to school when one of the 
bombs went off.

"We saw a cloud of fire and black smoke." With militants singling out entire 
families of both Muslim sects for slaughter, the recent violence is reminiscent 
of the far more widespread fighting that tore Iraq apart from 2005 to 2007 and 
prompted the United States to send tens of thousands more troops to this 

US officials sought to downplay the possibility that Iraq is sliding toward 
major sectarian fighting and insisted there were no plans to slow the 
withdrawal of American troops.

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said that Gen. Ray Odierno, the top US 
military official in Iraq, does not believe the violence threatens the ability 
of the US military to draw down its forces this year.

The US military plans to reduce troop levels from 90,000 to 50,000 by Aug. 31, 
when it will end combat operations.

As part of an agreement with Iraq, the US will withdraw all forces by the end 
of 2011.

"We're obviously concerned but we don't see the parallels with what happened a 
few years ago," US Embassy spokesman Philip Frayne said. "We don't see a 
sectarian war breaking out again." While there was no claim of responsibility, 
the latest spike in attacks suggest to some analysts that Al-Qaeda or other 
extremists wish to provoke mayhem or otherwise sabotage negotiations to form a 
stable government after the March 7 parliamentary election that failed to 
produce a clear winner.

"These attacks indicate a hopeless effort to mix cards and provoke sectarian 
dispute among people and turn Iraq again back to square one," said Dr. Hassan 
Kamil, a political analyst at Baghdad University.

A secular bloc is currently holding talks with religious Shiite parties, a 
threatening prospect for insurgents whose stock-in-trade is rage, not peace. 
Such attacks might inflame sectarian tensions and make Shiite parties less 
likely to join former prime minister Ayad Allawi, a secular Shiite backed by 

Allawi's political coalition, Iraqiya, came out ahead in the vote, narrowly 
edging Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki's bloc by just two seats. Allawi raised 
the prospect that terror attacks will only increase if the negotiations drag on 
for months to form a new government.

"This is blamed on the power vacuum, of course," Allawi told The Associated 
Press in an interview Tuesday.

"Terrorists and Al-Qaeda are on the go. ... I think their operations will 
increase in Iraq." Allawi said the government was failing to secure the capital 
- a notion challenged by Al-Maliki adviser Sadiq al-Rikabi, who suggested that 
Allawi was exploiting the attacks for political purposes.

"It is true that terrorism and attacks are attributed to the political 
situation the country is experiencing, and we have faced terrorism before 
elections as well," Al-Rikabi said.

No matter who ends up in charge, the resurgent violence underscores that the 
next government will have a difficult time governing an unwieldy society of 
disparate tribes, ethnic groups and religious sects which Saddam Hussein ruled 
for decades by punishing or killing those who opposed him.

Tuesday's attacks killed at least 50 people and wounded 187, including women 
and children - a toll the AP reached after talking with police and medical 
officials in different parts of the capital. All spoke on condition of 
anonymity because they were not allowed to release information publicly.

The attackers detonated homemade bombs and, in one case, a car packed with 
explosives, according to Maj. Gen. Qassim al-Moussawi, an Iraqi military 
spokesman for Baghdad's operations command center. He said there were at least 
seven blasts. The US military in Baghdad said there were eight.

The first blasts targeted the Shula area of northwest Baghdad, striking a 
residential building and an intersection about a mile away. Minutes later, at 
9:45 a.m., a bomb left in a plastic bag exploded at a restaurant on the ground 
floor of an apartment building in the Allawi district downtown, near the 
Culture Ministry. Some two hours after that, a parked car bomb exploded in a 
market, killing six civilians.

The bombings were the fourth set of attacks with multiple casualties across 
Iraq in five days.

On Monday, a Shiite couple and four of their children were gunned down in their 
home outside Baghdad, while more than 40 were killed Sunday in triple suicide 
car bomb attacks near embassies in Baghdad. On Friday, gunmen went 
house-to-house in a Sunni area south of Baghdad, killing 24 villagers 

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