Refleksi : Untuk tahun 2009 Obama membayar 30% dari pendapatannya untuk pajak, 
berapa % pajak pendapatan yang dibayar SBY untuk waktu yang sama?

White House: Obamas earned $5.5 million in 2009

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The White House says President Obama and his wife Michelle 
made $5.5 million last year and paid nearly $1.8 million in federal income tax.

The Obamas gave $329,000 to charities. That included $50,000 each to CARE and 
the United Negro College Fund.

The president also donated his $1.4 million Nobel Peace Prize award to 10 

The White House said the vast majority of the Obamas' income was from sales of 
the president's books. The president released his 2009 tax return Thursday.

By Web Politics Editor  |  April 15, 2010; 12:58 PM ET

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