Havana.  April 21, 2010

Evo condemns capitalism for 
destroying the planet

COCHABAMBA, Bolivia, April 20.- Bolivian President Evo Morales yesterday 
condemned here the capitalist system, which he described as principally 
responsible for the destruction of the planet, PL reports. 

      President Morales shows Conference
       participants a plastic plate, a product 
      which contaminates the environment.
At the inauguration of the First People's World Conference on Climate Change 
and the Rights of Mother Earth, he stated that the consumerist system is the 
principal enemy of Mother Earth, as it seeks profits to the detriment of 

President Morales showed the audience a plastic plate, a product he considers 
to be a pollutant of the environment. 

"Capitalism is the source of the asymmetries and inequalities in this world," 
he emphasized. 

Addressing 15,000-plus representatives from five continents gathered in the 
Esteban Ramírez ecological stadium in the town of Tuquipaya, Morales read out a 
letter to future generations to alert them that the planet is sick due to 
capitalism, which attempts to turn everything into merchandise. 

In the missive, the president stated that a wounded Mother Earth is giving us 
warning signals with earthquakes, seaquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, and 
droughts, hence the need to protect the environment. 

In the text he also called attention to climate migrants, some 50 million 
people, a figure that could reach 200 million victims in 2050 on account of 
negative environmental impacts.

He also criticized the recent 15th UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen 
(Denmark) and the so-called "understanding" of its member nations, because the 
demands of social organizations and indigenous peoples were never listened to 

At this inaugural event, individuals speaking on behalf of five continents and 
some 130 countries participating in the Mother Earth Summit, also backed 
Bolivia's initiative to organize a world referendum on the environment on 
October 12 and to constitute an International Climate Justice Tribunal to try 
governments and businesses that put life on earth. 


A colorful religious ceremony and Bolivian music concluded the opening event of 
the Mother Earth Summit. 

The Bolivian Amuata Commission was in charge of leading a wajata, in which 
Andean priests and representatives from indigenous communities from the five 
continents took part. 

To the sound of pututus, quenas and zampoñas, typical Andean instruments, the 
Amatuas requested permission from "Father Cosmos" and "Mother Earth" to 
advocate positions of consensus in defense of nature and humanity. 

Translated by Granma International 

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