29 April - 5 May 2010
Issue No. 996
Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875

Guilty as charged

THE SUPREME State Security Court in Cairo yesterday convicted 26 men of 
plotting attacks in Egypt, and of having ties with the Lebanon-based group 
Hizbullah. Four of the indicted were given life sentences, while two were given 
15-year prison sentences, and 15 received 10-year prison sentences. The rest 
were given between six and seven-month prison terms. Four of the defendants 
were tried in absentia while the rest appeared in the dock, shouting "God is 
great" after hearing the final verdict in a trial that began almost a year 

The defendants -- including two Lebanese, five Palestinians, one Sudanese and 
18 Egyptians -- were found guilty of "collecting intelligence for the interest 
of a foreign entity, possessing explosive material, spying and plotting against 
interests in the Suez Canal, digging smuggling tunnels between Egypt and Gaza, 
and planning attacks against Israelis and against resorts popular with them." 
They were arrested in November 2008.

No higher appeal is possible for the case, with the only possibility or 
recourse being a presidential pardon. The court declared its verdict amid tight 
security measures.

photo: AFP 

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