Golongan2 Islam Fundamentalis (HTI.FPI,TAlIBAN, Al QAIDA,KOMUNIS,HAMAS IRAN, 
WAHABI SALAFY FUNDAMENTALIS meramalkan bahwa ekonomi Amerikan akan hancur dan 
mereka bergembira ria sewaktu ada krisis Ekonomi baru2 ini. ALLAH tidak 
berpihak kpd Mereka2 itu.

Allah berfirman dlm al Quran;

" Jika sekiranya penduduk negeri-negeri beriman dan bertakwa, pastilah Kami 
akan melimpahkan kepada mereka berkah dari langit dan bumi, tetapi mereka 
mendustakan (ayat-ayat Kami) itu, maka Kami siksa mereka disebabkan 
perbuatannya. QS 7:96.

Oleh banyak orang2 Yang Bertaqwa di Amerika ALLAH memberikan dan melimapahkan 
rahmatnya, kemakmuran kpd rakyatnya.

Tahun lalu dibawah pemerintahan Fundamentalis Bush, ekonomi Amerika mendapat 
cobaan dari ALLAH,karena perbuatan2 Bush yang salah.

Alhamdulillah setelah Obama dari Liberal menjadi President Amerika, ALLAH 
kembali memberikan hidayahnya kpd pemimpin yang bertaqwa yang anti kekerasan, 
anti diskriminasi, dan cinta kpd kedamaian dunia.

Setipa pemimpin yang Fundamentalis selalu membawa malapetaka kpd rakyatnya dan 
manusia umumnya.

Jadi berhati hatilah dgn pemipin2 Fundamentalis ...

Silakan simak artikel Obama dibawah ini.


    "Every three months, the federal government measures the total output of 
goods and services our businesses, our workers and our government produce.  It 
determines whether our economy is shrinking or growing -– the single broadest 
measure of America's economic health.  At the height of our economic crisis, 
that measure all too often was delivering grim news.  But today is a different 

    In the first quarter of last year, our economy shrank at a rate of 6.4 
percent.  Today, we learned that in the first quarter of this year, our economy 
grew at a rate of 3.2 percent.

    What this number means is that our economy as a whole is in a much better 
place than it was one year ago.  The economy that shrank for four quarters in a 
row has now grown for three quarters in a row.  And that growth has been a 
condition for job growth -– the economy that was losing jobs a year ago is 
creating jobs today.

    After the single biggest economic crisis in our lifetimes, we're heading in 
the right direction.  We're moving forward.  Our economy is stronger; that 
economic heartbeat is growing stronger."

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