Refleksi : Sekalipun sudah berkali-kali, sudah bertahun-tahun diberitakan 
perlakuan tidak adil kepada TKW di Arab Saudia, tetapi rezim NKRI tetap saja 
mengirim tenaga kerja wanita kesana.   

Dapat diberitahukan bahwa Mesir yang boleh dibilang sama kebudayaannya dan 
bersebrangan lokasi geografisnya dengan Arab Saudia telah melarang wanitanya 
untuk dikirim bekerja di Arab Saudia. Alasan larangan ini ialah terlalu sering 
adanya perlakuan tidak baik terhadap TKW Mesir.

Housemaids bought, sold like chattels

Published: May 7, 2010 23:37 Updated: May 7, 2010 23:37 

JEDDAH: Eighteen years ago Laila Beevi traveled from her home in Kerala to make 
an honest living as a maid in Saudi Arabia. 

But now the 40-year-old woman says her sponsor stopped paying her four months 
ago and then sold her to a labor placement agency in Riyadh for SR13,000 (about 

After promising to pay her the back salary, the agency sent her to work for 
another Saudi family without paying her the promised sum. And she claims her 
new employer, a Saudi woman, is treating her poorly, such as not paying her a 
salary, keeping her locked up so she won't flee and denying her medical 

"I'm sick and this woman won't give me even a Panadol, and she has not given me 
salary," Beevi told Arab News.

"There are three other maids here, too: an Indonesian, a Sri Lankan, and one 
from Morocco. They have not been paid their salaries either."

If the allegations are true then a number of Saudi labor laws have been 
violated by Beevi's first sponsor, the labor placement agent and the new 

Besides the obvious illegal practice of not paying a salary, a sponsor cannot 
sell off an employee to a third party agent. That third party agent is likewise 
prohibited by law from then hiring out a worker under somebody else's 

The new employer has also broken the law by taking in a worker who is not under 
her sponsorship. Beevi says she is still under the sponsorship of her first 

Beevi has complained to the Federation of Kerala Associations in Saudi Arabia 
(FOKASA), which has filed a petition on her behalf to the Indian Embassy in 

"The Indian Embassy tried to contact the woman in whose home Laila Beevi has 
been kept locked up," said R. Murleedharan, president of FOKASA.

 "But neither the woman nor her son answered their phones, so we have requested 
the embassy ask the police to intervene, which they did by sending a fax to the 

FOKASA has requested the embassy in the petition to put pressure on Beevi's 
sponsor to give her the accumulated balance salary of eights months, the 
end-of-service benefit for 18 years of labor and the final exit visa and plane 

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