wakakakak, mantep kang. :))  ijin copas ulang, kalau ada kesempatan lucu ...

2010/5/18 akmal.n.basral <an...@yahoo.com>

> omar bakrie? kenapa tidak disebut-sebut suzuki yamaguchi, anak jepang yang
> super cerdas itu ya mas arcon? :)
> salam,
> ~a~
> First day of school in an American high school in Washington DC. The
> teacher introduces the new kid, Suzuki Yamaguchi from Japan to the rest of
> the class. As the class start, the teacher says:
> "Let's start with a small quiz in American history". Who said "Freedom or
> death?" Suddenly silence and only Suzuki raises his hand:
> "Patrick Henry, 1775. in Philadelphia."
> "Very good Suzuki". And who said: "The nation is it's people and as such
> can never die?"
> Suzuki raises his hand again:
> "Abraham Lincoln, 1863, Washington."
> The teacher looks at her students and says:
> "Shame on you, Suzuki is a Japanese and know American history better than
> you."
> A silent voice from the back of the class:
> "Go f*ck yourselves, sh*tty Japanese"
> "Who said that!?", yells the teacher.
> Suzuki raises his hand and says:
> "General MacArthur, 1942, Guadalcanalu, and Lee Iacocca 1982 at the
> Chrysler management board meeting, Detroit."
> The class is in silence and you can again hear a silent voice:
> "Suck my c*ck!!!"
> The teacher is furious:
> "I've had enough. Who said that?"
> Suzuki:
> "Bill Clinton to Monica Levinsky, Oval Office, 1997 in Washington."
> Another voice yells:
> "Suzuki is sh*t!"
> Suzuki:
> "Valentino Rossi in Rio de Janeiro at the Brazil moto Grand-Prix in 2002."
> The class goes wild, the teacher starts crying, and in walks to the school
> Principal she said:
> "What the hell is going on?, I am going to quit !!"
> Suzuki:
> "Sri Mulyani, Ministry of Finance, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2010 when KPK
> auditors were in her office.
> Sent from ANB's BlackBerry®
> --
> salam,
> Ari

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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