Ameen, ....pak Chodjim.

--- In, "chodjim" <chod...@...> wrote:
> Turut prihatin dan ikut berbela sungkawa. Semoga mereka mendapat tempat yang 
> luhur di Sisi Allah swt. Dan, yang ditinggalkan tetap dalam ketabahan dan 
> kesabaran.
> Wassalam,
> chodjim
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: ma_suryawan 
>   To: 
>   Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2010 2:18 AM
>   Terrorist attacks on Ahmadi Mosques in Pakistan
>   Earlier today two mosques belonging to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat in 
> Lahore were attacked by terrorists. The mosques were the Baitul Nur Mosque in 
> Model Town and the Darul Zikr Mosque in Gharishaw.
>   Although it is not yet clear what the exact numbers are, it is being 
> reported that dozens of Ahmadis have been killed, many more injured. Ahmadi 
> witnesses are saying that the mosque is covered in blood.
>   The attacks are the culmination of years of un-policed persecution of the 
> Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, which is a minority sect in Pakistan. In 1974 
> legislation was passed that declared Ahmadis to be `non-Muslim' and in 1984 
> further legislation was passed in which the practice of the faith was 
> outlawed. At regular intervals since then Ahmadis have been attacked but 
> today's attack is the most cruel and barbaric. All Ahmadis, who are based in 
> 195 countries, are peace loving and tolerant people and yet they are 
> continually targeted by extremist factions.
>   During his Friday Sermon at 1pm today the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim 
> Jamaat condemned the terrorist attacks.
>   His Holiness Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
>   "Today two our mosques in Lahore were attacked by extremists. At the moment 
> we do not have full details of what has happened. It is clear though that a 
> number of our Ahmadis have been killed and many others have been injured.
>   These people had merely come to the mosque to offer their Friday prayers 
> and yet became victims of a heinous terrorist attack. May God grant patience 
> to the bereaved and elevate the status of those who have been martyred."
>   Further details will be issued by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat at regular 
> intervals.
>   UPDATE - May 28th
>   In response to the terrorist attacks that took place at two Ahmadi mosques 
> in Lahore earlier today, His Holiness, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad has issued 
> the following statement:
>   "The terrorist attacks that occurred today at two of our mosques in Lahore 
> were completely barbaric and alien to all forms of humanity.
>   These attacks took place in mosques which are places of worship and at the 
> time of the Friday prayers which all Muslims know is a holy and sacred time. 
> No true Muslims could ever countenance such attacks, such cruelty and such 
> barbaric behaviour. No form of terrorism has any place in Islam and thus 
> those who were behind these attacks may justify their acts in its name, but 
> let it be clear they are Muslim only in name and never in deed.
>   The situation in Pakistan is extremely grave. For decades Ahmadi Muslims 
> have not been able to live in peace, in fact they live their lives in 
> constant danger. In 1974 Ahmadi Muslims were declared `non-Muslim' by the 
> Government of Pakistan and then ten years later the infamous Ordinance XX was 
> adopted which criminalised all forms of Ahmadi worship and the practice of 
> its faith.
>   These laws effectively legitimised the exclusion and persecution of our 
> Jama'at in Pakistan. Ever since, extremists have taken advantage and targeted 
> Ahmadis. Despite this cruelty Ahmadis have remained loyal citizens of 
> Pakistan and have never shown any form of civil disobedience.
>   At this time we do not know the full extent of what has happened. However 
> it is clear that dozens of Ahmadis have been killed and many others have been 
> injured. I pray that Allah may grant patience to all those who have been left 
> bereaved and grant an elevated status in Paradise to those who have been 
> martyred. May God restore to health those who have been injured.
>   The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at is a peace loving true Muslim Jama'at. Thus 
> there will be no improper reaction from any Ahmadi. Our salvation lies in our 
> supplications to God Almighty and we believe that He has, and always will, 
> help us. No terrorist and no government can ever stop the progress of our 
> Jama'at because it is a Divine organisation.
>   May Allah protect all good natured people from the evil acts of those 
> opposed to peace."
>   22 Deer Park Road, London, SW19 3TL UK
>   Tel/Fax: 020 8544 7613 Mob: 077954 90682 Email: pr...@... 
>   ----------------------------------------------------------
>   Press Secretary AMJ International 
>   Short URL of this page to share: 
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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