Alhamdulillah, pemahaman2 Islam fundamentalis tersingkir, Islam
berpaham Liberal makin banyak dirangkul. 
1.Imam Al azhar...menghormati Muslim Syiah...
2.King Abdullah memberikan kemerdekaan kpd wanita berpakaian.
3.PKS menjalin persabatan dgn Amerika dan China.
4.Iraq dan Afganistan jatuh kpd Muslim demokrasi.

Semoga HTI,.FPI cs,Abu Bakar cs dll kembali kpd ajaran Islam
yang benar dan lurus, yaitu kpd wahyu2 ALLAH.
Meningglkan ajaran2 islam dari hadits2 palsu dan kitab2 sejarah rekayasa 
manusia serta tafsiran Ibnu Katsir.

Pemahaman Islam yg benar itu bukan islam fundamentalis tapi Islam Liberal...


Al-Azhar's Grand Imam refuses a call by a Wahhabi Extremist to withdraw the 
recognition of the Shia doctrine and considers Shiism as one of the wings of 

Ahlul Bayt News Agency (, The Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar Ahmed Al-Tayeb 
refuses a call by a Wahhabi Extremist to withdraw the recognition of the Shia 
doctrine and said nobody can accept these weak statements, furtheremore the 
position of Al-Azhar is stable to achieve unity among the Muslims.

Saudis Online News Network has mentioned that the Wahhabi scholar Ahmed bin 
Saad B. H. Al-Ghamdi, from the Saudi University of Umm Al-Qura had denounced 
Al-Azhar scholars for their recognition of the doctrine of the members of 
prophet's household and for their consideration of it as a doctrine like the 
rest of the nation's doctrines.

In an exclusive statement to Al-Watan Daily Kuwaiti Newspaper, The Grand Sheikh 
of Al-Azhar ( al-Tayeb) said that the Sunnis and the Shiites are a the two 
wings of the Islamic nation and that over fourteen centuries that is the life 
of Islam it never happened that the Sunnis and the Shiites fought one another, 
pointing out that what happens between them now is a plot to bring them face to 
face through the weapon of the sectarian strife.

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