Hard-line groups hold Islamic congress in Bekasi 
Hasyim Widhiarto, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Sun, 06/20/2010 2:57 PM | Jakarta 

FPI: (JP/R. Berto Wedhatama)A number of Islamic hard-line groups in Bekasi 
kicked off Sunday a two-day joint congress, with the main agenda to discuss 
about Christianization issue in the city.

The congress, held on Sunday in Bunga Karang Hotel and next Sunday in Bekasi 
Islamic Center, is attended by 200 people representing non government-linked 
Islamic groups in the city, including the Islam Defender Front (FPI), the 
Bekasi Movement Against Apostates and the Islamic Ummah Forum.

"The congress will try to produce a guideline for Bekasi Muslims and local 
government in dealing with Christianization problem in the city," head of FPI's 
Bekasi chapter Murhali Barda told The Jakarta Post.

"We will then propose the guideline to the local administration, but it is 
their right to refuse or accept it." 

Rapid development in industry and housing sectors has turned Bekasi, located in 
the outskirts of Jakarta, into a more culturally and religiously diverse city, 
making it vulnerable to a religious-triggered conflict which mainly involved 
Muslims and Christians.

Last month, a Christian school was attacked by a group of people after a former 
student of the school allegedly posted a picture showing him putting Koran in a 
toilet in the school's blog.

On Saturday, the Bekasi municipal administration finally decided to tear down a 
17-meter Tiga Mojang (Three Ladies) statue in Kota Harapan Indah residential 
complex, following a series of protest from the hard-line groups which called 
the newly-erected statue as obscene and symbolizing the Christian's Trinity 

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