Iran cancels plan to send ship to Gaza 

Published: Jun 27, 2010 01:00 Updated: Jun 27, 2010 01:38 

TEHRAN: Iran will not be sending a blockade-busting ship to Gaza in defiance of 
Israeli warnings, an Iranian lawmaker said Saturday, citing Israeli 
"restrictions." Mahmoud Ahmadi Bighash told the semiofficial ISNA news agency 
that instead of sending a ship, an Iranian delegation of lawmakers would travel 
to Lebanon and sail on one of the aid ships expected to head to Gaza from there.

The Iranian ship called "Infants of Gaza" had been expected to sail Sunday for 
Gaza carrying 1,100 tons of relief supplies and 10 pro-Palestinian activists 
but plans were canceled "due to restrictions imposed by the occupying Zionist 
regime," Bighash said.

Iran made the announcement Tuesday prompting Israel to warn its archenemy to 
drop the plan.

Israel considers Iran a threat because of its suspect nuclear program, its 
long-range missiles and its support for Lebanese and Gaza militants.

Israeli security officials said the prospect of an Iranian boat headed for Gaza 
had Israel deeply worried, and that naval commandos were training for the 
possibility of taking on a vessel with a suicide bomber on board.

After an international outcry over the killing of nine Turkish activists in a 
May 31 raid on another aid ship, Israel eased its land blockade of Gaza but 
insisted on maintaining a naval blockade it says is necessary to keep weapons 
shipments out of the hands of Gaza's Hamas rulers.

Israel imposed the blockade after Hamas overran the Palestinian territory in 
June 2007.

In Lebanon, organizers of the ship, "Julia," said they plan to sail in the next 
few days but said they had nothing to with Iran. A second ship will only be 
transporting women, while a third ship will include parliamentarians from the 
Middle East and Europe. It is not clear when that ship will sail.

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