
Pemuda2 NKRI yang cinta damai, hidup harmony, hendaklah bersiap siap menetang 
dan memerangi idiology kekerasan yg dilakukan oleh
golongan2 Islam Fundamentalis...

Kalau tidak bersatu dan pemerintah membiarkan mereka membuat unit2 melitan 
seperti di Taliban-Pakistan....maka bangsa Indonesia akan menjadi kacau dan 
orang2 asing akan menarik investemntnya dari Indonesia....inilah yang 
diinginkan mereka.

Kalau orang2 asing takut menginvestment uangnya di Indonesia,maka lapangan 
kerja akan hilang...upah makin kecil, kemiskinan akan
bertambah...orang2 radikal makin menyamur terutama di kampung2...

Pemuda2 yg tidak mendapatkan kerja atau upah yg kecil,dengan mudah di tarik 
keperbuatan2 kekerasan..

Strategy2 mereka bermacam2, sekarng umat Kristen yg menjadi ==TARGET== MEREKA 
setelah Ahmadiyah, Demokrasi-seculer dll

Mari bersatu melawan golongan2 Islam Fundamentalis fanatik ini.


--- In, "sunny" <am...@...> wrote:
>  june 27, 2010
> Ulma Haryanto
> In this photo taken last year, Volunteer fighters attend a sermon in Bakasi 
> by Abu Bakar Bashir, who was alleged to have once headed the regional 
> militant network Jemaah Islamiah. He was urging Muslims to fight in the Gaza 
> Strip. Religious leaders in the Jakarta suburb on Sunday called on all 
> Muslims to join forces and prepare for the possibility of war against the 
> perceived Christianization of the city. (Reuters Photo) 
> Bekasi Muslim Groups Call for Formation of Militia Units, Warn of Potential 
> 'War'
> Several religious organizations in Bekasi have recommended that every Mosque 
> in Bekasi on the outskirts of Jakarta form militia units and called on all 
> local Muslims to prepare for the possibility of "war" against what they 
> perceive to be the Christianization of the city in West Java.
> During the second Bekasi Islamic Congress at the Al-Azhar Mosque in Bekasi on 
> Sunday, the call was made to all Bekasi Muslims to join forces against what 
> they perceive to be the recent spreading of Christianity.
> The groups are also expected to forward several recommendations to the Bekasi 
> administration to create policies that are compliant with Shariah law.
> "All Muslims should unite and standby because ... the Christians are on to 
> something," Murhali Barda, head of the Bekasi chapter of the hard-line 
> Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), told the Jakarta Globe on Sunday.
> "Apparently they want to test our patience. We are planning to invite them 
> for a dialogue to determine what they really want. If talks fail, this might 
> mean war," he warned.
> Saleh Mangara Sitompul, the secretary of the congress and also a member of 
> the Bekasi branch of Muhammadiyah, Indonesia's second largest Muslim 
> organization, said another recommendation was for every mosque in Bekasi to 
> form their own individual paramilitary units.
> "We hope that the recommendations to the government could be a guide for them 
> so that there will be no religious defamation or inter-religious conflicts," 
> he said.
> On Tuesday, the Islamic Defenders Front said that it would insist that the 
> city issue policies in line with its view of Islam.
> The comments came a day after the Bekasi government sealed another Protestant 
> church because of constant pressure from hard-line groups, and three days 
> after the administration pulled down the "Tiga Mojang," or Three Girls, 
> statue.
> The statue at the Harapan Indah residential complex was dismantled after 
> demonstrations by hard-line pressure groups that deemed the sculpture at odds 
> with conservative Muslim views.
> The Jakarta suburb is becoming a religious battleground, with hard-line 
> Islamists claiming that Christian zealots have targeted the community.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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