Kalau gol Islam Wahabi radikal melakukan kekerasan atau pembunuhan
muslim Syiah atau ahmadiyah....tidak keluar fatwa kutukan dari MUI
Nauzubillah...Kalau MUI masih diskriminasi kpd masarakat,selama itu pula MUI 
mendapat tantangan2 dari HAM...

Seharusnya MUI mengutuk setiap perbuatan2 kekerasan dan mentaati peraturan2 
ALLAH kalau terjadi peperangan antara muslim maka beerphaklah kpd golongan yg 
tertindas QS 49:9


Baghdad pilgrims' toll shoots up
Attacks are taking place despite heavy security measures being in place to 
protect pilgrims [Reuters]

At least 60 people have been killed in Baghdad in a wave of bombings targeting 
Shia Muslim pilgrims over the past three days, security sources say.

Iraqi officials said two blasts on Thursday, the latest in a string of bombings 
in Iraqi capital, killed seven people, pushing the death toll in the recent 
attacks to 60.

One bomb in the central Bab al-Muazam neighbourhood killed four people and 
wounded 46, while a second bomb in the southeastern Mashtal district killed 
three and wounded 31, officials said.

The attacks appeared to offer a clear indication of the determination of 
anti-government fighters to exploit Iraq's political vacuum and destabilise the 
country as US troops prepare to head home.

Iraq has been without a new government since the March 7 election, which 
produced no clear winner.

Security sources said attacks on the thousands of Shia Muslim faithful taking 
part in the pilgrimage to the Musa Kadhim shrine have wounded more than 300 
people since Tuesday.

The deadliest attack occurred on Wednesday in northern Baghdad's predominantly 
Sunni Muslim neighbourhood of Adhamiya.

A suicide bomber killed 32 people and wounded more than 90 as Shia Muslim 
pilgrims were about to cross a bridge leading to the shrine where Musa Kadhim, 
a revered imam, is buried.

The attack took place near the bridge where 900 people died in 2005 in a 
stampede sparked by a rumour that a suicide bomber was about to strike.

Biden's mission

The attacks come days after the US vice-president met senior Iraqi officials in 
Baghdad to urge them to select new leaders without further delays.

Joe Biden met two main contestants for the prime ministerial post, Nouri 
al-Maliki, who heads a Shia-dominated bloc, and Iyad Allawi, the head of the a 
cross-sectarian coalition who narrowly won the March vote.

Biden asked the two men to compromise.

Edmund Ghareeb, a professor of Middle East studies at the American University 
in Washington, said the latest attacks were part of an effort of exploit Iraq's 
political vacuum to stoke sectarian conflict.

"In this vacuum there are groups which are trying to throw back Iraq to the 
period of sectarian conflict and to maintain this kind of tension," he told Al 

"And it is in many ways, I would believe, a reflection of the continuing 
problems which are facing Iraq, particularly the security situation."

The bloodshed notwithstanding, hundreds of thousands of pilgrims defied the 
attacks to remain in Baghad for the culmination of the religious festival on 

Special safety measures

Major-General Qassim Atta, a Baghdad security spokesman, told the AFP news 
agency that special safety measures, including road closures, were now in place 
to protect the worshippers.

"We continue to organise transport for pilgrims and air surveillance for their 
benefit," he said.

"The movement of motorcycles, bicycles and carts is banned throughout the city 
until further notice," Atta said.

Security officials said 200,000 police and soldiers were assigned to protect 
the pilgrims as they headed to the Musa Kadhim shrine.

Hundreds of tents have been erected to feed people as they pour into the city 
for the event.

The mausoleum has previously been targeted by bombers.

In April 2009, two female suicide bombers detonated their payloads near the  
shrine, killing 65 people, including 20 Iranian pilgrims, and wounding 120 

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