Wahai kaum muslim yang mengaku Islam,marilah kita bersama sama
mengutuk perbuatan2 pembunuhan2 orang2 Civil muslim di Pakistan,afganistan dan 
Iraq, Somalia dll.

Kalau umat Islam tidak mengutuk perbuatan2 kejam itu,artinya puasa dan shalat 
nya tidak akan diterima oleh ALLAH...

ALLAH memerintahkan dlm QS 49:9,Kalau ada golongan2 muslim yg membunuh muslim 
yg lain, maka yg membunuh harus diperangi bersama sama
Bukankah demikian?


KHAR, Pakistan – Two suicide bombers struck outside a government office Friday 
in a tribal region where Pakistan's army has fought the Taliban, killing more 
than 50 people and wounding more than 100, officials said.

The attack, one of the deadliest in Pakistan this year, indicated that 
militants remain a potent force in the country's tribal belt bordering 
Afghanistan despite army offensives.

The U.S. has praised Pakistan for taking on Islamist extremists that use the 
tribal region to plan attacks on Western troops across the border, but the 
militants have often retaliated on Pakistani soil.

The bombers detonated their explosives near the Yakaghund village office of 
Rasool Khan, a deputy administrator of the Mohmand tribal region who escaped 
unharmed. At least one bomber was on a motorcycle.

Nearby, officials were distributing wheelchairs to disabled people and 
equipment to poor farmers, said Mohmand's chief administrator, Amjad Ali Khan. 
He said more than 50 people were killed and more than 100 were wounded.

One of the bombs appeared fairly small but the other was huge, and they went 
off within seconds of each other, Amjad Ali Khan told The Associated Press.

Some 70 to 80 shops in the area were damaged or destroyed, Rasool Khan said. A 
prison building also was damaged, and some 28 prisoners — ordinary criminals, 
not militants — had apparently escaped, he said.

Video footage from the area showed dozens of men searching through piles of 
yellow brick and mud rubble in search of survivors.

"After the blast, I saw destruction. I saw bodies everywhere. I saw the injured 
crying for help," security official Esa Khan told The Associated Press in the 
main northwest city of Peshawar, where he helped escort some of the wounded to 
a hospital.

Abdul Wadood, 19, was sitting in a vehicle nearby when the attack happened.

"I only heard the deafening blast and lost consciousness," he said while being 
treated for head and arm wounds in Peshawar. "I found myself on a hospital bed 
after opening my eyes. I think those who planned or carried out this attack are 
not humans."

Mohmand is one of several areas in Pakistan's lawless tribal belt where Taliban 
and al-Qaida members are believed to be hiding. The Pakistani army has carried 
out operations in Mohmand, but it has been unable to root out the militants.

Information from Mohmand is difficult to verify independently because access to 
the area is heavily restricted.

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