Strategi Taliban dan Golongan Islam Koservative-Fundamentalis mempunyai 
strategi perjuangan yang sama, yaitu menyerang Firqoh2
Islam Ahmadiyha,Sufi, Syiah dan Gereja2 ...

Pemerintahan Indonesia dan element2 bangsa yg cita damai kalau tidak
memeramgi Idiologi Taliban Indonesia, dlm beberapa tahun lagi
Indonesia akan terjadi perbuatan2 kekerasan seperti di Pakistan
dan Afganistan....

Seharusnyalah PKS,MUI, PPP, DEPAG mengutuk kejadian2 kekerasan di kuningan 
tersebut dan menangkap pelaku2nya.

Kalau tidak memberikan kutukan kpd kejadian tersebut artinya
mereka setuju kpd perbuatan2 kekerasan di Indonesia

Mari bersama sama mengamati golongan2 Islam Fundamentalis di sekeliling 
rumahanda dan kantor2 anda.

SBY telah mengingatkan perbautan2 Terornya dan niatnya untuk
menghancurkah NKRI.

Indonesia mob attacks Muslim sect
The mob stoned the mosque of Ahmadiya sect, whose beliefs contradicts mainstream
Islam [AFP]

Indonesian police have clashed with about 200 people trying to attack a mosque
used by a minority Islamic sect known as Ahmadiya.

The mob hurled stones at the mosque in Manislor village in Kuningan district in
West Java, prompting an hour-long confrontation with police, a local Ahmadiya
official said.

"About 200 people pelted stones at our mosque and clashed with the police for
about an hour. It is not clear yet who was the organiser of the mob," Nurahim,
the local general secretary of the sect, told the AFP news agency.

"The police were able to secure the mosque and handle the people. The situation,
however, is still tense now."

Nurahim said the village's 3,000 Ahmadiyah followers were ready to help the
police if needed but would not respond to the violence.

"We had a similar experience before in 2007, in which our mosque and houses were
attacked. A house was burned and several were damaged at the time," he said.

The Ahmadiyah sect, which claims 500,000 followers in Indonesia, believes that
its founder Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was the final prophet and not Mohammad,
contradicting a central tenet of mainstream Islam.

Ahmad claimed to be a reincarnation of Prophet Mohammad, a claim rejected by 
Muslim authorities and scholars.

He also claimed to to be the Christian messiah. His sect believes that Jesus did
not die on the cross, but he moved to India where he died at the age of 120.

Indonesia's top Islamic body issued a fatwa in 2008 describing the sect as

Ahmadiyah has had a presence in the country since the 1920s.

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