PKS rupanya masih berpihak kpd ulama2 yang suka melakukan
perbuatan2 keerasan dan anti demokrasi...Sangat kita sayangi sekali
Katanya PKS sudah menjadi partai Plural...anti kekerasan
Kenapa harus simapaty dgn dia,mestinya gembira tertangkap
nya Abu Bakar basyir yang berbahaya itu.


Senior Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) politician Hidayat Nur Wahid says the 
police should have conducted a more "humane" arrest of Abu Bakar Ba'asyir, a 
hard-line cleric recently apprehended for his alleged involvement in training 
activities for terrorists in Aceh.

"The police should have only followed his car and I believe [Ba'asyir] did not 
have any intention to escape," Hidayat told reporters in Jakarta on Tuesday.

Hidayat urged police not to harm Ba'asyir while he is in detention.

Ba'asyir was arrested by the National Police Detachment 88 Antiterrorism Unit  
Squad on Monday morning in Ciamis, West Java, on his way home to Solo, Central 
Java, after a tour of sermons in several cities in West Java.

Ba'asyir is the spiritual leader of Jamaah Islamiyah and the leader of Ngruki 
boarding school in Solo, Central Java. Several graduates and students from the 
school had launched suicide bombing attacks.

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