Bomb targets Iranian pilgrims

      Publish Date: Tuesday,17 August, 2010, at 01:25 AM Doha Time 

A car bomb exploded yesterday in a town northeast of the Iraqi capital while a 
bus full of Iranian Shia pilgrims was passing, killing five people and wounding 
nine, security officials said. 

The blast in Muqdadiya, 80km northeast of Baghdad, was the latest in a series 
of attacks testing the mettle of Iraqi security forces as US troops prepare to 
end combat operations at the end of August before a full withdrawal next year. 
Four of the dead were Iranian pilgrims, who have flocked to Iraq's Shia 
religious sites in the hundreds of thousands since the US-led invasion removed 
dictator Saddam Hussain in 2003. 

All of the wounded were Iranian, said a police source and a source in the 
security operations centre of Diyala province, where a volatile ethnic and 
religious mix of Sunnis, Shias and Kurds has helped sustain a stubborn 

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