
Kalau pemerintah tidak menegakan keadilan kepada seluruh
warganya atau rakyatnya, tunggulah kehancuran bangsa itu
seperti Afganistan, Iraq, sudan,somalia, dll

Pemerintahan Bahrain memperlakukan perbuatan diskriminasi kpd
warganya yang beragama Syiah,sebagaimana saudi Arabia.

Kalau pemerintah tdk berlaku adil, pasti akan terjadi;
1 penidasan kepada minoritas.

2 pembrontakan atau perlawanan kpd pemerintah...

Sedangkan rasul berlaku adil kpd semua warga tanpa melihat agama, keyakinan 
agama dan suku dll.Sebagaimana ayat ALLAH dibawah ini;

Aku beriman kepada semua Kitab yang diturunkan Allah( Taurat,Injil, Al quran ) 
dan aku diperintahkan supaya berlaku adil di antara kamu (yahudi,nasrani, 
mukmin, quraish, musrik dll ). QS 42:15.

Kalau pemerintah berlaku adil kpd semua warganya barulah akan tercapai
masarakat yang rahmat lil'alamin,seperti masarakat Amerika.


Prosecutors in Bahrain have pressed terrorism charges against Shia opposition 
activists, raising tension in the run-up to an October 23 election in the Gulf 

The charge sheet released on Saturday accused the 23 activists, 10 of them 
prominent opposition figures, of "undermining national security."

It alleged that the "leaders of the terror network" held secret meetings in 
Bahrain and abroad in a bid "to change the political regime through illegal 

"This sophisticated terrorist network with operations inside and outside 
Bahrain has undertaken and planned a systematic and layered campaign of 
violence and subversion aimed squarely at undermining the national security of 
Bahrain," said a statement by Abdul-Rahman al-Sayed, a public prosecution 

Most of the suspects are members of Haq, the Movement of Liberties and 
Democracy, a Shia group which rejected as inadequate reforms intended to put an 
end to Shia-led unrest that rocked the kingdom through the 1990s.

Since the arrest on August 13 of Abdul-Jalil al-Singace, the opposition leader, 
Bahrain's government has ramped up the pressure and rhetoric. Rights groups say 
more than 250 Shia have been detained.

No details of the alleged coup plot have been made public.

Alleged Iranian ties

Shia Muslims currently have 17 of the 40 seats in Bahrain's parliament and 
could make a bid for a majority in the upcoming elections on October 23.

Bahrain's Shia majority of nearly 70 per cent has long complained of 
discrimination in state jobs and housing and claims they are barred from 
influential posts in the security forces.

Hard-liners in Iran have often echoed the complaints by Bahraini Shia Muslims 
about discrimination and perceived second-class status and have sometimes 
described Bahrain as Iran's "14th Province."

But no clear evidence has emerged of Iranian aid to the Shia opposition groups 
in Bahrain, and Bahrain's leadership issued a statement last week distancing 
itself from any accusations toward Iran.

"Part of all this is definitely fear of the Iranian threat," said Shadi Hamid, 
a Gulf affairs researcher at the Brookings Doha Center in Qatar.

"There is more and more concern about Iranian influence even if it can be 
proven or not."

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