Dear Wannier list members,

 In case you did not receive the following announcement via the Psi_k list 
earlier in the month, please see details of the upcoming workshop. Note the 
deadline is very soon - if this is problematic please email


We are pleased to announce a 3-day school "Wannier90 v3.0: new features and 
applications", which will be held at St. Edmund Hall, University of Oxford, UK, 
25-27 March 2020.

In this three-day school, we will present the state-of-the-art functionalities 
of the Wannier90 code, with a particular focus on the latest developments. Each 
day will involve lectures and hands-on tutorials. 

The registration fee, which includes three nights' accommodation (with 
breakfast) and a social dinner, is £120. For a preliminary schedule and how to 
register, please see 

The registration deadline is end of the day on Monday 3rd Feb

On behalf of the Organising Committee (Arash Mostofi, Valerio Vitale, Giovanni 
Pizzi, Ivo Souza and Jonathan Yates)

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