Hi Soumyadeep,

plenty of literature on this, but some cases are discussed in Sec III of

In a nutshell: for non-magnetic insulators, the localization functional on the occupied bands seems to have one (or multiple, by symmetries - think benzene) well defined global minimum - all others correspond to messed-up phase factors, give rise to meaningless WFs, and those are not real (i.e. they have an imaginary components). I cannot discount though that e.g. during a mol. dyn. simulations one could find discontinuous jumps in the MLWFs centers from one timestep to another.

For non-magnetic systems where you disentangle also the empty bands, you can have more subtle, complex effects (see discussion above). In that respect, it also dependes if we call maximally localized the global minimum only, or also other local minima where WFs are real and look meaningful.

For magnetic system, we have less case studies, and in general there are already multiple local minima of the KS-DFT functional.

If anyone has experiences something different, welcome to mention it here.


On 09/03/2020 06:21, Soumyadeep wrote:
Dear All,

  I have a query, is Maximally localized Wannier functions are unique set of functions? I mean for a particular system only one set of MLWF is possible or it can be many set depending on other factors?

   Waiting eagerly for your reply.

with many thanks and best regards
Soumyadeep Ghosh,
Senior Research Fellow,
Homi Bhabha National Institute (HBNI),
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore, India-452013
Mob: (+91)9424664553
User Lab: 0731244-2580
Email: soumyadeepghos...@gmail.com, soumyad...@rrcat.gov.in
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