Hi Wannier90 users,

I'm having trouble disentangling the bands properly despite the correct 
projections which I have checked by calculating the projected band structure. I 
have attached a snippet of my input file below.

num_bands         =   168
num_wann          =   50

dis_win_min       =  11.0d0
#dis_win_max       =  67.0d0
dis_froz_min      =  11.0d0
dis_froz_max      =  23.0d0
dis_num_iter      =  10000

num_iter          = 200
dis_mix_ratio     = 0.5

#restart           = plot

dos               = false
dos_kmesh         = 25
spin_decomp       = false

spinors = true
begin projections
Co: s;dz2;dxz;dyz;dx2-y2;dxy
Mn: s;pz;px;py;dz2;dxz;dyz;dx2-y2;dxy
Ga: s;pz;px;py
end projections

fermi_energy = 17.3488

So far, I have tweaked the outer and frozen energy windows, and dix_mix_ratio. 
Usually, I choose dis_num_iter = 2000 as disentanglement usually converges way 
before 2000, but I chose 10000 this time to see if it converges beyond that. 
May I know if there are suggestions to work around this problem?


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