Dear Wannier90 developers,

My question is the following:
>From the wannier90_r.dat, I constructed the position matrix elements of
r_x, r_y and r_z,
*[ r_{\alpha} (R) ]_{m,n} = < 0 m | r_{\alpha=x,y,z} | R n > *where R = [
a, b, c ] = a * R_1 + b* R_2 + c* R_3.

Then, the position matrix should satisfy the relation, *[ r_{\alpha} (R)
]^{\dag} = **[ r_{\alpha} (-R) ].*
*In other words, **( [ r_{\alpha} (a,b,c) ]_{m,n} ) * = **[ r_{\alpha}
(-a,-b,-c) ]_{n,m} where * is conjugate. *

I was only able to confirm
1) diagonal components: *( [ r_{\alpha} (a,b,c) ]_{n,n} ) * = **[ r_{\alpha}
(-a,-b,-c) ]_{n,n}.*
2) hermitian matrix at R=0=[0,0,0]: *[ r_{\alpha} (R=0) ]^{\dag} = **r_{\alpha}
(R=0) *
but, could not confirm the relation, *( [ r_{\alpha} (a,b,c) ]_{m,n} )
* = **[ r_{\alpha}
(-a,-b,-c) ]_{n,m}.*

Eventually, what I need to construct is the non-abelian Berry connection
matrix which can be obtained from the following equation,
*[ A_{\alpha} ]_{n,m} (k) = \sum_{R} exp{ i k \dot R }  [  r_{\alpha} (R)

Physically, Berry connection matrix, [ A_{\alpha}(k) ] should be hermitian.
However, if* ( [ r_{\alpha} (a,b,c) ]_{m,n} ) * = **[ r_{\alpha} (-a,-b,-c)
]_{n,m} *is not satisfied,
the connection matrix should not be hermitian matrix.

Would you explain to me why the position matrix is not satisfying the above

Physics PhD student, UC Berkeley
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