Dear all

I am puzzle in how to write the parameter of select_projections when calculate 
the valance band. This is part of the program given by Wannier90 tutorial_12

begin projections

!! !! Bond-centred s-orbitals

f=-0.125,-0.125, 0.375:s

f= 0.375,-0.125,-0.125:s

f=-0.125, 0.375,-0.125:s


!! !! Atom-centred sp3-orbitals


end projections

!! (1) Valence bands

num_wann        =   4

select_projections 1 2 3 4

dis_froz_max    =   6.5

dis_win_max     =   6.5

!! !! (2) Valence + conduction bands

!! num_wann        =   8

!! select_projections 5-12

!! dis_froz_max    =   6.5

!! dis_win_max     =  17.0

I can't understand why the program select select_projections 1 2 3 4 when 
calculating valance band, while choose select_projections 5-12 to calculate 
valence and conduction bands? Which file can tell me the mean of the labels, so 
that I can write select_projections correctly?

Could you please help me? Thank you very much!

Zongyi Wang

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