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----- Original Message -----
> Thank you for the information on the Cuban missile crisis.
> I think there is one point of view if we look at the  Soviet and US power
> plays as a power game.  In this case I would say putting missiles in Cuba
> is kind of a dog scenting its territory.  However, I remember the fear
> during this tense time, and it was not pleasant.

It may not have been pleasant, but the propaganda relating to the proposed
fear of communism and an alliance between Russia and Cuba, was generated
possibly moreso because the US, as other western countries need something to
fear, so they have something to build on. Now, this may no be exactly true,
but if you look at Hitler, who generated power through the fear of Jews and
communism, and people who were not Ariam, it can be clearly demonstrated.
Today, look at what is said about Saddham Hussein, even though he is a
maniacle leader, it works both ways. The middle east don't want the west
coming in and dictating terms, as the west fear the spread of communism, or
anything that may undermine their capitalist plans.

> But guess what?
> When we think of the ethics of what was going on; how right was it for us
> to cause other people to feel the fear we felt?  Didn't we start this
> threatening behavior?  Were we right to cause others fear?  Why?  Is this
> how countries of the world "should" behave?   Is this what we are proudly
> the leader of?    Has this kind of national focus changed our society and
> how we interact with each other?     "You don't know what you are
> talking" verse "I do not agree, because".   Moral majority and then non
> Christians pushing back  each other as far as  they can push.   Are there
> connections?

This sort of focus has been going on for centuries. This concept that might
is right has led to wars. the crusades / christianity against the
uncivilised. The imperial colonisation of the globe by the moral Brits. The
difference today is that due to globalisation, one country cannot just walk
in and annex another, without the rest of the world questioning it. And will
it change ? As long as society is driven by greed ..... no!

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