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----- Original Message -----
From: "John T"
> Found this interesting article on the BBC site.... any comments?
> Back In The USSR?
> Do the return of soviet symbols and the reintroduction of compulsory
> residential permits suggest Russia, under Putin, is returning to the
> controls of the old USSR?
> http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/people/highlights/001130_russia.shtml

Russia, from what I have read seems to have  an endless cycle. There seems
to be an embedded need for authoritarian paternal govt. In looking at their
history, it seems that through control and through adversity, they have the
capacity to generate growth. It is amazing what fear and violence can do for
people. However, with the changes over the past decades, and the stagnation
of their society, and the decimation and erosion of their military might in
the eyes of the western world, maybe Russians will accept a return to
previous controls, as a means of rebuilding. Hopefully, they will find a
more reasonable way. But then again, Putin was in the secret police, so he
is used to using force rather than reason.. That was evident after the sub
went down and people were tranquilised in public view. Maybe they see that
the only way for survival is a return to the old. Maybe, they look to the
past, as a way to the future, because the present has only, generally
speaking, seen the collapse of infrastrucure. And if you are fed propaganda
that the reason for this is the westernisation of your country, you are
probably going to end up believing that west IS NOT best....

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