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> In a message dated 12/2/01 9:57:32 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
> << What about helping in this deciding. Helping them to know what the choises 
> are?  >>
> ___________________________________________________
> By all means ...
> Just keep in mind that Western civilization has been trying to impose
> its ideals on Africa for several hundred years ... Very little luck, so far 
> ...
> but there's ALWAYS Hope!  :)
> LG
> =============================================

I agree. There is always hope. It's just that I wonder what you mean by "impose"? What 
was meant in the old days in Africa didn't work. I hope that the imposing years are 
passed. The colonial days are gone.

What I mean is showing those isolated tribes what the rest of the world looks like in 
spite of all "bessewissers" in their own tribes that's doing whatever they can to 
isolate their heard in order to keep them in the flock. And, by the way, even some 
parts og America need some of that treatment too. Then the shouting of "God bless" 
would be swallowed when the knowledge hit them on the head. And so would happen in tha 
arab world. People are responsible for their own actions. No Gods of any kind.

Maybe we in Scandinavia should return to the old God of Thor and Odin and start behave 
like the Vikings once again? The Vikings were active about the same time as the 
muslims started their religion, so why not do as bin Laden and go back to those times? 
The Viking longships on the way to plunder Paris, London, Dublin, S:t Petersburg and 
Istambul once again?

Or why not go further back to the Zarathustrians 1.500 B.C.? Even the Sumerians 3.000 
B.C. had their Gods. When shall people learn that there are no Gods but in their own 
minds that rule their thinking wherefor they never will learn to understand each other.

I'm afraid that there will never be peace as long as religion rules and teach that 
you, your self, are the best and everybody else is of a lower standard.

But kinowledge about the different parts of the world helps and that's why the 
Talibans were so opposed to the modern communications. It brings knowledge!

§( :8-)

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