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Why not go to the premise to decriminalize many of the drug crimes that are
paralyzing the legal and prison system. In our county jail  which is under
court supervision for over crowding 65 % of the inmates are in for traffic
violations s/a driving w/o a license failure to appear, pay fines, support
issues etoh abuse crimes, all non violent social crimes and misdemeanor drug
offenses. yet we let certifiably insane people walk the streets to push
people under subways because we cant arrest them for being crazy. and
misdemeanor drug offenses. Jim
----- Original Message -----
From: "Claes Persson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2001 5:05 PM
Subject: SV: {W&P} guns, knives and political games

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> ----- Original Message -----
> Sent: Friday, December 07, 2001 9:31 AM
> Subject: RE: {W&P} guns, knives and political games
> > In a message dated 12/6/01 1:37:17 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >
> > << I suppose that the were not waving knifes around as about 40 people
> > been killed or wounded. >>
> > ________________________________
> > I only got the tail end of that ... something about someone's nose was
out of
> > joint because he was fired, I think.
> >
> > Sure, guns make it easier -- but if someone wants to do the dirty, they
> > usually find a way to do it. What are we supposed to do? Ban EVERYTHING
> > might be used to hurt someone? The terrorists used plastic knives and
box> cutters on 9/11 ... what good would a gun ban have been for that?
> __________________________________________
> To use terrorist methods as an argument for not take a close look at what
happens when ordinary people go hey-wild is to go a bit far?
> ___________________________________________
> >
> > Instead of punishing law-abiding gun owners, why not go after the people
> > do these terrible things?
> __________________________________________
> What is the policeforce doing then?
> _________________________________________
> > Why not go after the ACLU (American Criminal Liberties Union) that
always > protects these thugs? > Why not turn prisons into prisons instead
of the Club Meds that they have > become?
> _________________________________________
> --What I have seen reported on TV the privat prisons are anything but Club
> ___________________________________________________
> > Why not go back to the premise that criminals convicted of crimes have
> > some of their civil rights enjoyed by honest citizens and they WILL be
> > punished swiftly and surely for what they have done?
> ____________________________________________
> See above!
> ============================================================
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> A93MR48T18

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