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----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Sunday, December 09, 2001 1:17 AM
Subject: Re: SV: {W&P} Conservatives Vs. Liberals

> In a message dated 12/8/01 4:20:20 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
> << They find the world of political correctness to be one of the biggest 
> jokes perpetrated on mankind  (calling them "learning challenged does NOT 
> change the fact that their dumb as a post), they believe that getting an 
> education is the most important thing there is, and there's no such thing as  
> knowing to much, they believe in personal freedom but not at the expense of 
> others.
> ------------------------------------------------------------
>  --It's the same way of trying to hide that liberal economy really can be 
> considdered economic anarcy. Unfortunatelly all people are not as clever as 
> you and me. Or as you at least, and the expression "personal freedom" is 
> often used to explain that the speaker considder that his income should not 
> be tuched by taxes of any kand. >>
> ____________________
> I'm having a little trouble understanding what "personal freedom" has to do 
> with taxes.
> I'm referring to being able to do what I want to do, when I want to do it 
> without having to get permission from some government entity ... As long as 
> I'm not breaking any laws, of course. 

Ok, but this "personal freedom" to go where you want and to do what you want is 
shrinking to nothing if you can not afford the ticket or whatever it is. So... 
Personal freedom is to have money to pay for the tickets or whatever, right? Without 
this little money to take the bus to the beach, for example, your "personal freedom" 
is quite small.

> Example -- say I want to build a new barn. (we own a small farm). Now, I 
> understand the need for inspections, like electrical, building, or what-not 
> ... and I have no problem with that ... but WHY should I have to get a 
> "permit" to build on my own land. As long as I'm following the land use 
> restrictions for my property -- WHY should I have to get the county's 
> permission??? Having to do that is an infringement on my personal freedom. 

--Not really. This rule is probably wise. Not all people, even if they are farmers, 
have allways the sence to not build in the wrong place so far as neigbours see it. 
Normally this is no problem, but this rule can not be formed as only a demand permit 
when there is problems.

I think that there must be a chance to check on before hand. As a result maybe the 
farmer can aviod a lot of trouble to be forced  to moov an already buildt barn to a 
better place. It's no big deal, I hope, to get this permit if your'e not disturbing 
any one?

§( :8-)

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